What people are saying about "Puzzle Bullshit"
Puzzle Bullshit
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over 9 years ago
@Dave Warren: That's a point. It SHOULD feel artificial.
over 9 years ago
I have no memory of this.
over 9 years ago
Jo confirmed for pleb taste :^)

Did you ever play Bioshock 2, Jo? Even though the story was simple, the gameplay and plasmids were much better than the original game.

And the DLC (free if you own Bioshock 2) Minerva's Den was like a stand-alone expansion. It's great.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358965]@Greener[/url]: It was the video game equivalent of "the big bang theory" (tv show), it tried to be "deep" and "thought-provoking" but in a way that catered to the lowest common denominator, and so you got "Let's shoot RACISTS! In the SKY! WE'RE PROGRESSIVE". I found it insulting and condescending.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358987]@Otter[/url]: "No!" says the fanboy, "It's a masterpiece!"
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358990]@Groynin[/url]: Haha, ye. Just what I was thinking, just perfect! ^_^
over 9 years ago
@What The Hell: Did you not keep playing to learn who those people are?

I feel bad for Jo that this chat box is starting to become a huge spoiler section, though.
over 9 years ago
Bioshock Infinite was god damn amazing, you jaded hipsters.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358970]@Nerfnow[/url]: Well, developers can't please everyone right? It's a fact that it's completely different though. Everyone who liked Rapture loathes Columbia and vice-versa. And btw, don't put any money on sniper upgrades. There's never ammo for it...
over 9 years ago
That Morgan expression is simply perfect, I don't even know why, but it is.
over 9 years ago
I enjoyed bioshock infinite, its to bad ur not big on melee, i loved it in all the games. Im acutally pretty brutal in Infinite they make alot of melee support clothing and perks that go with that skyhook.
over 9 years ago
Bioshock Infinite is COD/Halo. Bioshock 1-2 is System Shock 2. Search your feelings. You know its true.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358986]@Bruceski[/url]: "NO!" says the game journalist. "If we don't like it, it's shit (or something -ist)"
over 9 years ago
Is not a person entitled to the opinion of their game?

"NO!" says the man on the internet, "We have declared that it's bad!"
over 9 years ago
Little sister: "I am alone and helpless please help me!"
Player: "Whatever."

Elizabeth: "I found a dollar, you can have it."
over 9 years ago
Bioshock infinite as a 4 at best.
Gameplay was bad. Reskined tonics left and right, 2 guns tops, bad gunplay, horrible AI. Story was really bad. Logical failures everywhere and no understanding of multiverses. No choices. Diseny princess-butler who follows you around. It had nice atmosphere&sound.
over 9 years ago
Bioshock Infinite is great, it's just a different game when you compare it to the original. I've played all the "Shock" games, except System Shock 1, they all have their pros and cons. To me, BI was an awesome experience, until the second DLC came out. That DLC alone made me dislike Levine.
over 9 years ago
Excited for this line of comics.
over 9 years ago
"The gunplay is also better so I don't need to kill everything with melee plus shock plasmid."

Pretty obvious that you didn't play more than 5 minutes.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358965]@Greener[/url]: It was the video game equivalent of "the big bang theory" (tv show), it tried to be "deep" and "thought-provoking" but in a way that catered to the lowest common denominator, and so you got "Let's shoot RACISTS! In the SKY! WE'RE PROGRESSIVE". I found it insulting and condescending.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358969]@Raxyz[/url]: yeah, some two weirdos made you to the lighthouse talking about some experiment, by the way gave you a box with a huge key. What can possible be wrong?.. Totally not strange or artificial.
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_358969]@Raxyz[/url]: I hated Bioshock combat. Just for NOT being Bioshock it already gets brownie point. Like you said, the game felt good, and this is enough for me.
over 9 years ago
@Mighty Annihilator: No. In fact, everyone who played the first two to the end think like that.
over 9 years ago
Cont. Only two weapon, unimaginative plasmids, no "enemy observation" mechanic, and so on...
Infinite felt good throughout the game, however, it's a shallow experience except for the story (more precisely, the mindfuck of the ending scene). It didn't stuck to me like "We all make our choices..."
over 9 years ago
That beggining was complete bullshit. Entering Columbia felt a lot more artificial than entering Rapture back then.

And honestly Jo, how can you say you enjoyed the combat on this one but not the rest? This one was very, VERY CoDfied.
over 9 years ago
@Ryoko Tadao: I didn't play System Shock, and didn't like Bioshock Water Edition so Infinite is the best edition of the series for me.
over 9 years ago
Bioshock Infinite is complete garbage. Shooter with no enemy AI or any challenge. Linear levels, static lightning, no physics, hideous models and story full of plot holes with ending for dummys. If you still think that Infinite is good, beat System Shock 2 and F.E.A.R. (only first one).
over 9 years ago
Infinite was great, but:

"A man chooses, a slave obeys!"
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
Also why would you ever use the electrowrench combo past the medical pavilion level? I can barely remember using my plasmids at all after I upgraded the shotgun, unless I was dealing with big daddies
over 9 years ago
I was psyched for Infinite, biding my time with Dishonored... then came the disappointment. No Rapture, no gene tonics, enemies which were showcased and then used ONCE, and no way to backtrack if you happened to need additional cash or missed something.
over 9 years ago
Was I really the only one who thought that gunplay was shitty in Infinite?
over 9 years ago
Infinite is a really solid game, but the story is...well, stupid. I don't know how much of a sci-fi geek you are, but if you've watched or read any time travel or multiverse fiction settings, the ending is going to make you very upset. They tried to be really smart, and ended up ruining it instead.
over 9 years ago
Bioshock Infinite was a good game, but extremely overhyped. All my friends boasted nonstop how it was the game of the year and I should play it. Eventually got it and I guess I set the bar too high, since I was kind of bitter and disappointed throughout the game. Good game, but not game of the year.
over 9 years ago
Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_u18_BKczg
over 9 years ago
No, it was like that at launch. That's why people use it to make fun of the people saying "This is a smart and deep game for intelligent players"