What people are saying about "Netdeck"
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almost 10 years ago
I really don't understand why people play hunter. Even if you'd be manically depressed and for some reason getting wins in hearthstone would make you feel better, playing a deck that doesn't even need you to win wouldn't help that. I'm convinced it's possible to play facehunter with your eyes closed
almost 10 years ago
Murloc Warlock ftw.

It's always so satisfying to hear the Mrglglglglgl! sound.
almost 10 years ago
I love the faces, and love the shipping.
almost 10 years ago
But I don't want them to go back to enemies. That would be a retcon. Just stop calling each other muffin. Try endearing insults.
almost 10 years ago
And I guess they stopped denying it. Too bad, I liked them as enemies.
almost 10 years ago
AKA Hearthstone in a Nutshell.
almost 10 years ago
I hope every facehunter mother dies from painful cancer.
almost 10 years ago
Well, the most fun was, still is and will most certainly forever be playing Arena.
No netdecks possible.
almost 10 years ago
Making your own deck is most of the fun.
Winning with that deck is even better.
Having someone else copy your deck though... might be fun?
almost 10 years ago
Facehunter is so easy :p I got to rank 7 in like 2 days quick shot op
almost 10 years ago
"Slap in the face"
almost 10 years ago
so, nicknames now xD
well, as far as nicknames go, muffin is not a bad one
almost 10 years ago
I love playing Hearthstone for about a week every month. Then I realize half the decks I play against are netdecks beat-your-oponent-the-easy-way no-fun-allowed. Then I quit until the next month shows up.
Gimmick decks are fun. People should use them more often. You know. For fun.
almost 10 years ago
Loved the art in this strip!