What people are saying about "Redemption"
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almost 10 years ago
actually there isn't a single team that has kept it's magic going

Alliance play like rats and get punished for it

Na'vi is a sinking ship with xboct, dendi should go somewhere else

team secret is neither good nor bad, it's random when they win games

so many teams disbanded...
almost 10 years ago
Yaaaaaaaaaaay Dota tournament.

Can't wait for the entire month of Dota comics.
almost 10 years ago
@Feodor T. You're not alone. We all miss Tentajo.
almost 10 years ago
Why tease us then Morgan!
almost 10 years ago
iG will cosplay in maid outfits if they win. Yes, that's serious. Though I can't confirm the Weebo post.

There's your fanservice right there....

almost 10 years ago
It feels weird to have Engie/Angie directly ordering fanservice. I miss tentacle-Jo.
almost 10 years ago
@Bindal: That is not the meaning of fanservice.
almost 10 years ago
Drat, I like Morgan, but I'm friends with Leviathan's manager.
almost 10 years ago
@Bindal: True, but "sexy pin-up" does usually equal "fanservice".
almost 10 years ago
@Scryer: Well, "fanservice" does not have to equal "being nearly naked", so Morgans fanservice-consolation-price might be to wear like a 40k Space Marine armor or at least a decently covered cosplay. Still fanservice, but the opposite of "nearly naked".
almost 10 years ago
It's getting hard to tell whether or not Angie is drawing fanservice because she's secretly Jo, or because she honestly likes that sort of thing.
almost 10 years ago
@Jo Pereira: 5 different pics*
almost 10 years ago
@Charles Barbeau-Larouche: Then no pic.
almost 10 years ago
And if none of the teams win?
almost 10 years ago
And if none of the teams win?
almost 10 years ago
Tentacle Jo should join in on the action.
almost 10 years ago
Once again, Morgan proves herself to be the resident sane girl.

Though in spite, or more likely because of her attempts to 'lose', I somehow get the impression she's going to have a 'consolation prize' forced on her.

And Angie is adorable, rooting for a team because of the fun name.
almost 10 years ago
Fanservice =/= porn =/= want ;^)
JK whatever
almost 10 years ago
Now I wanna Leviathan or Ninjas in Pyjamas to win, and I have no idea about dota.
almost 10 years ago
Can't blame Morgan not to want to compete. And Angie still would have four girls left to draw even if Morgan would just quit the deal - so, everyone's still a winner, I guess?