What people are saying about "Soldier's Rest"
Soldier's Rest
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Nikolai Petrovsky
almost 10 years ago
I played this game when it first came out, before microtransactions were a thing. It was pretty fun.
almost 10 years ago
Shit, I spent like £12 on that game.
almost 10 years ago
Avatar animations felt a lot like the robots in MvM, with the lower body walking in one direction while the upper body turned to another.
almost 10 years ago
P2W shit shovelware nothing unexpected.
Why are you still buying EA games and complaining that your ass hurts.
almost 10 years ago
Oh wow, totally forgot about Battlefield Heroes. Played it for about a week before i saw how ridiculously P2W it was. It was pretty funny to walk around in a tuxedo and tophat while spraying enemies with a minigun though.
almost 10 years ago
Yep, Battlefield Heroes was pretty fun, until the P2W got too out of hand. Additionally, rest in peace Dawngate, you died before your time.
almost 10 years ago
Jo be glad you never played it. it is TERRIBLE these days what with super P2W.
It was hella fun back when it first came out but now adays its just.... bad...
almost 10 years ago
BF:H was a p2w f2p. No tears.
almost 10 years ago
I never asked for this feel, soldier.
almost 10 years ago
Erm, what?
almost 10 years ago
I could never get behind that game. Mostly because I felt useless as my favorite character (The "spy") It just wasn't enjoyable for me, so if EA kills anything I'm glad it's this and not something that was worth keeping alive.
*Cough* DAWNGATE *cough cough*
almost 10 years ago
I remember when it came out, had tons of fun with the game. Tried it a few years ago, but the magic was mostly gone.
almost 10 years ago
@Daa Vetti: Auto-balance
almost 10 years ago
I think the biggest shame is that the game dying means that there's no real way to archive it.
almost 10 years ago
...Oh. I remember this game... huh, now I kinda miss it.
almost 10 years ago
BFH: The best Battlefield game that wasn't named 2142.
almost 10 years ago
Well, game dies - long live the game!

World War Toons trailer was quite good, fills pretty much same niche and I love the looks, as opposed to half-finished cut-with-axe pinocchios of BFH.
almost 10 years ago
@25352: Wind!
Mr. Al
almost 10 years ago
Ah, what a shame. I played it quite a bit a couple of years ago, it was fun, but I stopped due to the whole typical "pay with real money or your items will disappear after a week" that all other non-tf2 f2p fps online games have. Granted I've spend dosh on TF2 as well, so it was more about the funds
almost 10 years ago
Small draw mistake found: rain constantly falls at direction of down and left on all pictures, while other objects (Soldier) rotared
almost 10 years ago
I don't know the game but I'm gonna assume you misspelled "an online only game" with "a only one game" on the comment bellow the comic.
almost 10 years ago
i played BfH a lot in the early months, it was a lot of fun :D
sadly, i had to put a halt to it while i finished my thesis, and when i eventually get back on my horse, the horse would only win if it had golden hooves and silver saddles
wish EA could release a free server emulator
almost 10 years ago
I played Battlefield Heroes for about 1.5 years before quitting. The game is outlandishly P2W indeed. But the high skillcap was there, and outsmarting your enemies with better guns is a thing.

It was fun while it lasted, but It was never to last.
almost 10 years ago
Jo, I don't mean bad but BFH was fake and gay. Not because the Village People-esque outfits, but because the game was incredibly pay 2 win. Objectivly better guns could only be bought with real money.
almost 10 years ago
Wait, did the soldier switch sides?
almost 10 years ago
Actually the game was bad in the late years. It became a nightmarish P2W, if you wanted to play it with only the in-game money you could not even rent a proper gun for more than a week (with the same ammount i could BUY the gun for the in-game money early). And hight tier items were only for money.
almost 10 years ago
Ma-an. I played Battlefield Heroes for almost half a year. Although you could use cash to get an upper hand it was somehow really fun. Random daily drops of free STUFF were nice. But most importantly, it was fun.
almost 10 years ago
I played that a few times when it first came out it was pretty neat I loved the plane combat though. Super unrealistic how people could sit on your wings and fire machine guns but super fun. Grandchase also died this week it was a fun japanese game that has been out for a long time.
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
This is a surprise because the game was actually pretty great.
almost 10 years ago
I tried to try it.

Couldn't get past account creation.

Said I was hacking.

Guess what I'm never playing, even if given a choice :D.
almost 10 years ago
@Timothy Du: I always thought their concept was pay to be average where you basically could pay 10 bucks for a decent kit and win with that. Then you'd pay 10 for the other classes and in the end you'd spend 40 ish bucks where games like titan fall ask you for 60 to unlock everything.
almost 10 years ago
Well, the game is kinda play-2-win and broke many promises.
Especially having to buy bazooka (permanent) with real money.