What's really awesome is that the chrome Stormtrooper is female. It's Gwendoline Christie.
Force Awakens is probably going to hit the level of Empire, in my opinion. I like the prequel trilogy over the original trilogy. You watch the Original for plot, you watch the Prequels for action.
Personally, I liked Phantom Menace. Sure, it wasn't Empire but it was close. I do agree that Attack of the Clones was terrible since they tried to make the romantic subplot most of the film. But I have yet to hear anybody badmouthing Revenge of the Sith. In fact, it's the opposite.
This lead to them tracking Leia to Yavin 4, and nearly destroying the Rebels. Their overconfidence was their undoing, with the Rebel pilots in Episode 4 and the Ewoks in Episode 6. Also Palpatine to Vader.
To all who comment on the accuracy of the Stormtroopers, you keep forgetting the royal curbstompings in the first 10 minutes of Episode 4 and the first 45 minutes of Episode 5. The Stormtroopers do not miss their targets- they just refrain from hitting them.
Yeah I love Star Wars and I have to admit, the new trailer for episode 7 sucked me in. I'm totally psyched. However, to be fair, they still haven't shown us anything of consequence. It's all just short, random clips that tell us next to nothing.
Aw, The Chrome troopers
Because using blinding white armor in the middle of a jungle wasnt evnough. Now they can blind the rebels when the sun reflects off the FUCKING ARMOR
I swear to god, the next new stormtrooper armor will shoot fireworks straight up every 5 minutes.
@ Platypus : I still don't like how Lucasfilm pushed those books as the REAL continuation of the story when they came out, though, only to ignore them when Lucas decided he wanted Boba Fett to be a clone and the Mandalorians to be a pacifist culture and so on.
@ Platypus : To be fair, Lucas also just did whatever he wanted without worrying about whether it contradicted the EU, first with the prequels, and then with the tv show. Abarams is doing the same thing.
What makes these movies sour is not the Prequels, but the treatment of Expanded Universe, which is what TRUELY sustained the Star Wars fandom. Axing the EU was the JJ saying he and his writers could be assed to work within constraints that every other Star Wars writer has. Its a Bay level move.
The hype doesn't bother me, and I'm sure the movies will be impressive and enjoyable! Good flashy action movies.
For compelling stories which don't fit in 90minute bits, there's still the Extended Universe. I don't care what the studio considers canon, they can't actually take the EU away from us.
Well,I was never a big fan of Star Wars, which means I'll probably watch with 0 expectations and probably enjoy more than die-hard fans expecting the greatest movie ever...
almost 10 years ago
Yeah, I like the new Stormtrooper outfit. A proper evolution of the design. Doubt it will improve their accuracy though. :D
I was but a kid when the prequels came, were people as hyped as they are now?
I mean I get hype but people are getting way too overhyped and when the movie doesn't meet their dreams they're gonna shit on them just like they did with the prequels.
I figure that there's a good chance I'll probably enjoy the new movie.
I mean I enjoyed JJ Abhrams Star Trek stuff. It's kind of heavy on the nostalgia and more explosions than brain power. But that kind of goes perfectly with Star Wars.
I'm one of the people who mourns the EU. It was gaming that got me into the EU in the first place, as TIE Fighter introduced me to Grand Admiral Thrawn and led me to the Thrawn Trilogy.
Maybe the movie will be good like the Clone Wars series was good while contradicting the EU, but I'm still sad.
The prequels had George Lucas. This movie does not. Also, that rolling droid isn't CG. They made that shit work. If they tried any harder, they'd have figured out how to make interstellar flight work.
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