What people are saying about "Maid Cosplay"
Maid Cosplay
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almost 10 years ago
Sure sure Jo. Why didn't marry Dendi already? It's HhotshotGG all over again...

Prepare yourself, your EU/EUA team will get full of Chinese Red. Sooner than an EA fix patch...
almost 10 years ago
@Noam Ben Arih: I dunno...EG is looking very good right now. I wouldn't say godly, but they've done well with PPD as captain and Old Man Fear back at full strength.
almost 10 years ago
I had to google Leviathan Summer vote to figure out what the fuck she was talking about.

I then had to google something else to find the actual information.

Why do I have to use google to understand a comic that mostly had TF2 stuff, a game I play a decent amount of?

Oh. Right. Dota.
almost 10 years ago
i have a feeling dota 2 next international will be won by a chainse team aswell

almost 10 years ago
Looks like we need to hit Morgan's emergency fanservice button again for this...
almost 10 years ago
just by looking at the first phase, chinese teams were already topping the rest of the competition besides polar. so if you summed it all up, IG would have a high chance of winning even if it was just against either alliance or navi.
not to say IG doesnt deserve it, they are the better of the 3 atm
almost 10 years ago
@Azulmagia: Or if birdmen are your thing, here's one: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1254

And here is a Rule 63 Enchantress: http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1008
almost 10 years ago
I must point out that even if the winner of a vote promised to do cosplay, that doesn't mean the losers can't. After all, Jane doesn't seem to be against it in the first panel, so I see no harm in this.
almost 10 years ago
@Dinonick http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_fetishism
Also it is used as a form of parody.
almost 10 years ago
Ive never understood the appeal of maid costumes....
almost 10 years ago
Morgan pls stop getting on the way :^)
almost 10 years ago
@Azulmagia: Not sure why you'd ask, but the answer is yes. http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1321 for example is one.
almost 10 years ago
Fan service lasts seconds
This face is timeless
almost 10 years ago
@Azulmagia: I did some with Invoker in the past.
almost 10 years ago
Looks like Morgan is getting a wee bit possessive. Can't blame her after the Homeworld incident.
almost 10 years ago
Have Jo ever posted fanservice for straight women?
almost 10 years ago
Dat Lina cosplay :F
almost 10 years ago
@The J Man: Nobody is dominating. TIs were split evenly, and West also managed to win DAC, Chinese TI. This year we see powerful teams from both West and China, so I wouldn't say that any side is dominating anything.
almost 10 years ago
Jane looks good with red hair.
almost 10 years ago
@Shadowfury: "whoops"

I made a mistake, but too late to re-do the comic.
almost 10 years ago
"Anne-Marie: Alliance, since EE-sama is supporting them
Jane: Leviathan, coz Murica."

almost 10 years ago
The Chinese are dominating the Dota 2 scene Jo! Just like how Asians are slowly dominating the competitive scene to most video games. I called it from the beginning, I suggest western teams take 1 or 2 players from China and add them to their roster.