Hey Jo, have you heard that IceFrog is planning a new update after Star Ladder (That ends on Apr 26)? Which means we can probably expect the Sniper/Jugg/Troll nerf in the near future. (Hopefully next week, or at least in May.) Okay, this is old news now, but still excited!
@Elyseon: Just addressing that "growing amount of tits and ass" comment. They've considerably toned down the notion of MOAR SKIN EVURYWHERE "see Fleshpits Mileena for reference..." and the costumes for this iteration of MK for females are alot more practical overall.
@Geary: MK has always been at its core a juvenile power fantasy. Just look at the edginess, the overabundance of gore (now in detailed hi resolution and with X-Ray mode!) and the growing amount of tits and ass over the years. Looks like the people at Midway never stopped being teens.
Last one:
Now combos are as boring as SF with way too much scaling and way too little skill needed for the maximum damage. And fatalities cam be performed with one button.
Bottom line, spammers wins, fatalities are no longer the display of skill they were meant to be. Yay fun! Back to BlazBlue.
Speaking of which, since Injustice their games simply suck. We are used to lackluster single-player and a poorly AI, but at least the game was FUN. It was always great larning combos to drain your opponent life, even more so learning fatalities.
You can't really "suck" at mortal kombat. No matter how much of the game you know, the cheaing bastard of the computer will always trip you up. You got to know only who the OP characters are, and what flaw the AI has. It has always been so, even with Injustice.
almost 10 years ago
@Jo Pereira: How...? Are you trying to play them on a keyboard? If so, stop, they just don't work for fighting games because of the limited simultaneous input.
@Magnus: Jo's said he doesn't really like fighting games. He can correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's because of the whole "getting stunlocked and watching as you go from full-health to death" thing that happens in multiplayer mode. He may enjoy the story modes, though.
That's Garrosh? Who the hell would take an arrow for HIM? Even though I haven't played WoW in ages and haven't started Hearthstone yet, I still remember how much I hated him being an asshole to Thrall. Quite happy he's dead now.
@EnragedFilia: What Aegis said.
Also, the Shieldmaiden has just a battlecry that gives the hero 5 armor, so there is no choice or coin flip if she actually blocks something, which means that your latter assumption holds true ;-)
(cont.) And then either Shieldmaiden or the combat system in general has some mechanics which allow her to not always block stuff or else she's just ignoring the actual mechanics to make a gag about why an alliance-looking card is being played by a horde-looking player in the first place?
So I guess this is Hearthstone? And that means Shieldmaiden is a card, and she's currently being played by a warrior, and either warriors are associated with horde somehow or else this one just happens to be using a horde-looking portrait?
What are ya'll talking about? Mortal Kombat's been to EVO. It's considered plenty good. You don't need a million systems like an Anime Fighter to be a good fighting game. There's different levels of depth, and one needn't go all the way into the abyss.
I'm no good at fighting games either, but the story in Injustice just made it worth playing anyway.
Something like Soul Calibur doesn't really have anything but boobs if you're not into fighting games, but there are certainly a lot of them with some really interesting stories.
@Magnus: Cuz MK in FG terms lacks a lot of depth and variety in their character when you really get down to it. What MK does well imo is having a story mode and doing decent enough with it, whereas other FG games have none or just typical arcade story mode.
I always wondered how Jo fared at Skullgirls, since he kinda made me love that game; but it really is hard to master. Also, why do they keep saying Skullgirls is the best Western fighter out there? I mean, I love Skullgirls, but isn't Mortal Kombat American?