What people are saying about "LoL Vs Dota"
LoL Vs Dota
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almost 9 years ago
Anne-Marie must really have leveled fast and gotten through a couple of ranks by now...Level 30 trolls and dumb smurfs abound in the unranked, levels 0-30 pub games. Ho Ho, Ha Ha indeed. In League, that's called instalocking and abandoning game early after flaming your teammates/saying "u suk gtg."
about 9 years ago
You can always buy a gem or pick a counter...Like Spirit Breaker or Clockwerk ._.
about 9 years ago
League may not have techies, but it still has Teemo
about 9 years ago
@Suspicious: 1) Enemy carry shows up with a diffusal blade and shits all over you?
2) GG you lost?
about 9 years ago
holy fuck those sniper wieners are pathetic

sniper is glass cannon, litrally glass!

if you have bara, nightstalker or even anti-mage or PA you can take a shit on him

sniper is like a ranged troll warlord, he beats any ranged hero in that, but he's weak to nukes and has shitty movespeed
Miklós Morandini
about 9 years ago
Also, Demigods was awesome!
Miklós Morandini
about 9 years ago
"XY IS BEST MOBA" is a silly thought. We are talking about games, that are (let's face it) pretty much alike. Sure, the "META" is diff., and there might be slightly diff. variables (e.g. trees), but the mechanics are pretty much the same, they just fit different players. Why can't you <3 them all?
about 9 years ago
You do realize LoL has a fricking carry that can perma-kite anything with basically a reverse leap every auto right?
about 9 years ago
I was a fan of Defense of the Ancient long before League of Legends was around and even I have to admit LoL is far superior in nearly every aspect. The only thing I honestly think it's missing is more structures to take down in enemy bases :)
about 9 years ago
Also, am I crazy or are you finally starting to realize that DOTA2 is not actually the best MOBA? I don't even like LoL anymore but I'm not foolish enough to deny that it is still at the top, and the number of people playing or at least watching the game is more than enough proof of that.
about 9 years ago
"This was a cheap shot,"

THAT was a cheap shot.
about 9 years ago
@The J Man she doesn't judge that people might like an inferior game but she might judge that her support left her.
about 9 years ago
Wait, this comic doesn't make sense. YOu have one comic where angie doesn't judge and this one called it inferior?

I hate to be THAT guy but here is the link


about 9 years ago
@Wildcolt: 1) Bring your own team's carry with you, fed or otherwise.
2) Press R
3) Win ensuing teamfight.

@Eddmario: I have had negative experiences and positive experiences in both DOTA and LOL in equal capacity. Both communities have their problems.
about 9 years ago
Oh, wait, that's why there's a frog in a block of ice.
about 9 years ago
What I like about Dota2 over LoL?

about 9 years ago
Dota and LoL sucks, HotS is better. Kappa
about 9 years ago
Lol vs Dota really? "Mobas" communities sux overall. end of story. That's why i play vs bots HAHA
about 9 years ago
@Eddmario: That is not how people react in league at all lmao. If you're on the other side of the map when they die to a gank it's your fault for not being there and for them overextending and omg report that ____. The communities of both games sucks.
about 9 years ago
Let's see what happens in each game if you hit a lag spike and get killed because of it:

LoL: Yeah, lag spikes suck. I'll take that lane with you and cover you in case that happens again.

And this is why I prefer LoL. Also,
about 9 years ago
Greeting Jo! I discovered Nerf NOW! just a few days ago but have already read all the strips and most of the things you had to say. There is a thing i miss from the past strips though; some of the old characters, like the first Engie or MM. Could you show some love for the forgotten ones? -A new fan
about 9 years ago
@Suspicious: Omni knight? Anti carry? The fuck crack are you on?
about 9 years ago
@Kenpachi RAMASAMA: I laugh at your "League has a worse community" statement.

League players didn't expect me to know exactly what to do on my first game.

They also didn't tell me to kill myself until about ten games in. Dota? All it took was one.

Fuck Dota.
about 9 years ago
@Mr. Al: The thing is, the Meta exists in every game genre. It's simply "The most efficient way to win". It's not a MOBA exclusive thing.

That being said, where's the map so I can find the joke in this strip?
about 9 years ago
As for Techies, a good support shuts down Techies. The right ward in the right place = no more techies. Some heroes straight up counter him (Bounty Hunter, Zeus, Pudge, Huskar).
about 9 years ago
Hey Jo, I once was a DOTA player like you, but then I PICKED OMNIKNIGHT, GLORIOUS ANTI CARRY.

You could also consider playing Doom. Aghs + Doom = Sniper with no range who can't escape. Doom also has one of the best Strength growths in the game.
Mr. Al
about 9 years ago
Or people could do just like me and stop playing Moba's at all, and go play something that's fun instead? Something where people aren't all about the "meta" and random profanity and general chicken-tactics? Come on people we all know Anne-Marie doesn't give a shit about MOBA's themselves, only views
about 9 years ago
@Raxyz: That said, if Riki DOES get his kills and get fat, it's gg. But you can say that about lots of heroes in Dota.
about 9 years ago
@Raxyz: My standard anti-Riki tactics: buy dust, wait for him to attack, move out of smoke cloud, use dust, chase down & kill visible Riki, repeat. Done well, he will never get fat enough to be a problem and will never be able to 2-shot you to death before you dust him.
about 9 years ago
:reads someone thinking techies and sniper are op: "Ho ho, ha ha."
about 9 years ago
@Ancel De Lambert: Well you got lucky then, because I played League for years and I can attest to it having an absolutely atrocious playerbase.
@Geary: Nope. I tried DotA once and didn't bother finishing the tutorial. Didn't like the interface or the controls.
about 9 years ago
Just play Smite :^)
about 9 years ago
In other news. I had a game where they picked viper, doom, wraith and troll. Instant PL pick, but no support so GG FF.
about 9 years ago
Someone should make a mod that makes the techies yordles.
about 9 years ago
Also, AP nidalee
about 9 years ago
League might not have Techies...but it does have Teemo...which is a hell of a lot worse.
about 9 years ago
@Kenpachi RAMASAMA: I've been playing LoL for a good long time, and no, the community is NOT worse. I left DOTA 2 BECAUSE of its community, and I'm still playing LoL after two years. I can count on one hand the problem players I've run into on LoL, while in DOTA it was every other game.
about 9 years ago
Reasons to like LoL:
1) Simpler learning curve based around flavor of the week champion picks.
2) More game modes
3) Difficulty levels for all players with two levels of bot practice, and the ranked twits in their own cesspit so they can't pointlessly hate on the noobs.
about 9 years ago
Your Problems with the game appear to be skill problems, You dont know how to kill zniper.Having never played dota or crap of legends, you can decide whether or not to take this info, but try looking up how to counter sniper, and ignoring the vast pages of Nerf X.
about 9 years ago
Jump into HotS already :p
about 9 years ago
@Kenpachi RAMASAMA somebody's a DOTA fanboy
about 9 years ago
Good bye "ho ho, ha ha", welcome to "GG izi"
about 9 years ago
Marie clearly hasn't been playing League long enough to realize that it's even more broken than DotA, and the community is arguably worse.

And she's gonna have competition for her type of stream, striptease streams are quite common for League.
about 9 years ago
@Nekomimi Uh... DOTA2 has pudge, you know. He has even more hard CC than Blitz.
about 9 years ago
So much LoL and DOTA2 here. Why don't you check out Smite Jo? I think it would be a nice change of pace. Plus its the 3rd most popular MOBA.
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago
weirdly enough in my experience dota is more toxic in community than league. that and i prefer the positioning and mobility based league play.
about 9 years ago
Techies is why I'd play DotA2 over LoL.

Only casuals don't know how to counter techies, and only retards don't know how to have fun with him.
about 9 years ago
@Klint Izwudd: I've just read that... As if DLCs and microtransactions aren't bad enough, now paid mods? PAID FRIGGIND MODS? That break, that bug, that doesn't work and so on? Realy???
about 9 years ago
And thus the reason why I now play heroes of the storm instead.
about 9 years ago
@Khaz That's not true. Even when I had the misfortune of falling together with a pre-made 4 friends' team who tried to pin all blame for defeat on me and reporting, I've never been punished because of that.
about 9 years ago
Well, IceFrog told that new patch is coming after Starladder finals.
about 9 years ago
Easiest way to counter sniper in teamfights is to do what the bots do, focus him down with dust and make him pay, just in general play a hero like slark or riki, since sniper is squishy he ends up feeding most games against hard-gankers.

Report Jo 2lol4me
about 9 years ago
No comment on the charged mods?

about 9 years ago
Really? Most heroes I play deliver Sniper's ass back to him in a silver platter... I usually like when I'm up against one, it means he'll waste farm harassing me, and sonner or later he WILL feed me.
If I could nerf someone, I'd nerf Riki.
about 9 years ago
How about LoL at least pretends to have some semblance of a justice system, whereas Dota has an automated report system that does nothing but dole out undeserved punishment to the unpopular, over and over and over. In all honesty they're both great games destroyed by abysmal leadership.
about 9 years ago
@Nekomimi: And the "moba games are here to give us fun and to take our money" bit is arguably if not definitively false. LoL was created to make money, DotA started solely for giving us fun. Today it has things for sale, but they are non-intrusive and non theme-breaking. (mostly, damn it valve!)
about 9 years ago
@Kilgore Trout: I know, it sucks, unless I'm playing 1 I buy sentries in all techies games.

To everyone else, can you just stop with the x game is the best? Especially when you don't know anything specifically @Nekomimi You didn't get the comic format right when parodying it either.
about 9 years ago
Heroes of the Storm!
about 9 years ago
Smite is still better then both DoTA and LoL.
about 9 years ago
@Alex Beavuais: I LOATHE having to spend money on sentry wards so my team doesn't get blown up. Even playing a support, that is money that could be going toward my mana boots, mek, or Aghs. Also observer wards to prevent ganks.
about 9 years ago
Part three of three.

... all MOBA games are different. They are here to give us fun and to take our money. Simple.

Good Luck and Have Fun, and let's not have Rengar/Riki SS/Mia from lane.
about 9 years ago
"I'd still nerf Storm Spirit first though."


Glad to see I still remember LoL memes.
about 9 years ago
Part two.

DOTA2 have unbalanced champions. LoL have unbalanced heroes. Both of these statements are true.

Everyone should pick what they want, in whatever game they want.

This statement up here is also true.

No DOTA2 > LoL. No LoL > DOTA2. Sure, DoTA > DOTA2&LoL, but still...
about 9 years ago
I am LoL player. I played both, I think DOTA is inferior. But still...

"Tell me one thing DOTA2 has better than Lol!"
"No Blitzcrank."
"This was a cheap shot, give me another one!"
"No "Hasagi!" in half of my games."
(screaming at Yasuo parody) "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!"
about 9 years ago
@Urbin: Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Techies I agree, counterable fairly easily, still never fun to play against, ever.
about 9 years ago
Oh, dat low tier battles crowed with shitty heroes
about 9 years ago
YES! SOMEONE WHO AGREES STORM NEEDS A NERF! I couldn't go one game without him for a while.