What people are saying about "Winter Is Coming Again"
Winter Is Coming Again
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almost 10 years ago
If only northern hemisphere summers were like this.
almost 10 years ago
@Harvy Villagracia: Brazil. Southern hemisphere and whatnot.
almost 10 years ago
Jo, thank you for correctly using the word IS in panel 3!
almost 10 years ago
Wow, I'd like to live where you are if it's cool at this time of year. Hell hath frozen over and the heat's all gone to where I live these past weeks. At least it's a little windy lately.
almost 10 years ago
Kull wahad!
almost 10 years ago
The wild engiepillar hibernates longer than any other known animal, beginning its long sleep only weeks after the start of spring.
almost 10 years ago
Isnt Brazil south of the equator?
almost 10 years ago
@Dinonick: I had a similar reaction. Here in the Midwest USA we've been having "Oh, it's warm...NOPE" weather, as it fluctuates between 70 F and 50 F (21 C and 10 C, for those folks who use sane measurement units), and I was wondering how widespread that was...then remembered geography.
almost 10 years ago
I'm already sick. but its totally my own doing. I'd rather sneeze every 2 minutes than to sweat like a gorilla.
almost 10 years ago
@What The Hell: it is called "Continental climate". It happens cause long distance to oceans. But this compensates much lesser number of tornadoes.
almost 10 years ago
@Aakhamef: It was always about the weather being more extreme, not just hot. That's why it's called "Climate Change" now. Global Warming was always a misnomer.
Mr. Al
almost 10 years ago
still waiting for the cold and the wind to go away for us Nordics :3
almost 10 years ago
Oh right....Southern Hemisphere.......HA
almost 10 years ago
Ah, it reminds me of one cartoon, where some global "phenomena" happened and caused exceptionally hot summer in Russia. Over +35C! Yeah, except it's common temperature for middle Russia. Yep, country, where +2C can be in Jan, under -30C in Feb, and over +30C in Jul in the same city and same year.
almost 10 years ago
In Moskow yesterday felt snow. Did i hear "Global warming"?
almost 10 years ago
Where in Brazil do you live, Jo?
almost 10 years ago
You're lucky. It's still hot like hell on baixada santista.

almost 10 years ago
you know its getting cold when the guy from Rio Grande do Sul wears its jacket (jo will get it)
almost 10 years ago
Winter is cool tho

Get it?

well at least your computer will be colder right?
almost 10 years ago
LOL Actually no being as I'm probably older than most here and spent a good part of my life in the land of Lobsters, Chowda, potatoes and 2 meter snow drifts. Maineiac born and bred. It's hilarious to watch people panic at a dusting of snow in the southern US.
almost 10 years ago
@Gamesman01: Oh young Gamesman, sweet Summer child, how little you know, about the ways of the world far to the South, where Winter is coming.
almost 10 years ago
Winter is coming? to paraphrase a popular show "You know nothing Jo Snow!".
almost 10 years ago
At first I was like "Wait, summer's about to start."

Then I was like "oh yeah, Southern Hemisphere."

almost 10 years ago
As a man living in northern hemisphere, this is very disturbing.
almost 10 years ago
Soeaking of cold: right before I turned on my PC to check this comic I looked outside and saw SNOW on the ground. Just a light dusting of it, but still, I live in the NORTHERN hemisphere. Even here in Canada, snow in April is not normal.
almost 10 years ago
She will awaken as a beautiful butterfly next spring :)
almost 10 years ago
@T: She is a Lazyius Sapiens
almost 10 years ago
I could understand if Tentajo were a cold blooded creature that get lethargic when the temperature drops but Engie is a mammal!
Unless... She is a tentacle in disguise!
almost 10 years ago
Same deal where I am; it literally is below freezing outside and I start summer break next week... What the hell, nature?