What people are saying about "Vanilla"
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almost 10 years ago
Oh boy, another joke I don't get cause I don't play a shitty game.

Thanks Nerf Now.
almost 10 years ago
@bg There's also no such problem in SMITE, as there are no couriers.
almost 10 years ago
@Noam Ben Arih: Wrong
almost 10 years ago
@Khaz: People go to work to earn money to spend it on fancy furniture for houses that will all disappear the instant they burn down, leaving no trace behind. Give it some time and there'll be no evidence of all that money you spent. Why does anyone volunteer for such a scam. I don't understand.
almost 10 years ago
There's no such problem in HoN, as every shared courier has a change skin ability that changes to any skin the player who clicks the ability has.
almost 10 years ago
People go do work to earn money to spend it on pixel textures for polygons that will all disappear the instant Dota 2 shuts down, leaving no trace behind. Give it ten years and there'll be no evidence of all that money you spent. Why does anyone volunteer for such a scam. I don't understand.
almost 10 years ago
@Jo Pereira: only you can see the locked courier
when someone else uses it will still morph
almost 10 years ago
@Noam Ben Arih: If you buy the courier you can lock his style.
almost 10 years ago
with the courier morph update nobody really cares about that baby platinum roshan
almost 10 years ago
By the way, doesn't the courier change shape now so everybody can show off what courier they have? E.g., this one would change from the donkey to the baby Roshan whenever it delivered something to CM.
almost 10 years ago
@Chesthead: You can't sell most items that drop in the game any more (although you can gift them to other players), so you can't make money that way. But you CAN make a profit buying marketable Dota items and selling them for more, if you buy the right ones at the right prices.
almost 10 years ago
By the end of the day, people that made themselves a bit of income by just playing the game are heroic imo. no real money wasted on practically and literally no physical value.
almost 10 years ago
You could have thought it wouldnt suprise you after Team hat 2 with all its expensive pixelglory
almost 10 years ago
Shit YOU got the income
almost 10 years ago
@Elhao: The two blondes escape punishment, apparently. At least on-panel...
almost 10 years ago
I've bought a lot of couriers on the community market, but never spent more than $0.20 CDN. Same with announcers. I MIGHT buy the Pyrion Flax one if I ever see it for sale at like $0.50, but right now it's close to $1 and that's too much for me.
almost 10 years ago
Wait, what? The revenge arc is over? Just like that? That's a letdown. :-(
almost 10 years ago
the obvious solution for this is for kotl to buy the courier then hand it over to CM to activate it.

thats how my friends did it when the guy with the expensive courier wasnt playing support for the game.
almost 10 years ago
I've bought a courier once. For 17 cents... lol
almost 10 years ago
Most I ever paid for a courier is 30 dollars and that was for a Nexon item, the item was Jumo! I completely lucked out as the price for that courier fluctuates from 175-250 USD! I say it's a pretty neat investment imo.
almost 10 years ago
Remember the courier above 38k dollars ?
More an enconomical issue than a fashion trend c(:
almost 10 years ago
Plus,it is safe to say that those that are able to pay for such a thing, are more interrested on doing a kind of safe "bet/investement"
Since it shall not be released anymore on theory it should be a stable price value or a long term investement with the time passing and the value growing up.
almost 10 years ago
The prices on those kind courier were not based on how pretty it was, but rather on their low presence rate due to the hard requirement you had to fulfill in order to obtain one.
Furthermore it's just obey the law " the rarer the pricer "