What people are saying about "Rollin"
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almost 10 years ago
@Alex Beavuais: It is the greatest haiku.
almost 10 years ago
@ Platypus : Butthurt, much?
almost 10 years ago
Honestly, I do think the roller is fine.It's really more of a surprise weapon., where if they can sneak up on someone that's unaware they can pancake them. Better TF2 analogy is the Spy, really. But if you take advantage of the vertical of the maps, or remember to ZL to Squid, you can easily kite it
almost 10 years ago
@The Cheat: Not a haiku
almost 10 years ago
... taking back areas rollers had grabbed like it was nothing, and blasting enemy squids in between.
almost 10 years ago
.. and the guy that used the charger during their stream was markedly better at using the weapon, showing off it's capabilities a lot better then what the NOA team did. If you have the patience to sift through it, it's worth checking out. Dude was a beast with it...
almost 10 years ago
One thing to keep in mind, is that I think it was the same guy that used the charger during the treehouse whenever it was used, and he was honestly pretty terrible at it. I took a look at the Japanese version of the same stream (since they had a stream going on during the global testfire as well)..
almost 10 years ago

It is Mother's Day.

Call your Mom."

-A Haiku By The Cheat
almost 10 years ago
Oh also. Rollers are probably the best weapon in Turf Wars, but I can attest that a team of 4 rollers doesn't do as well as a team of 2 rollers and 2 gunners.
almost 10 years ago
Don't let Nintendo fool you. They don't know what the Internet or Competition mean. This game will be released as is, there will be no post release balance passes. You will "have fun" with this "toy" of a game. It will be enjoyed like Mario Party, WiiU Sports, and Mairo Kart.
almost 10 years ago
@Alejandro Kaito Calderon: None of those things show an understanding of balance. Look at Mario Kart or Mario Party and tell me they understand Balance without being a huge liar.
almost 10 years ago
Rollers are probably the best weapon for Turf Wars mode. Things will probably be more balanced in the Territory Control mode though, the one they advertised as being the proper competitive mode. People with the sniper-gun can get into position knowing the enemy team needs to come through that area.
almost 10 years ago
The game is insanely fun and rollers are far from being OP. They do cover a lot of ground fast, but splatters can do the same job almost as fast as a roller...
almost 10 years ago
@Alejandro Kaito Calderon: How many arena FPS games have been developed in-house by Nintendo? It's like asking Valve to develop a JRPG, sometimes these things just aren't gonna work.
almost 10 years ago
Oh, and one more thing, if i HAD a Wii U, I would NOT buy this. Nintendo and multiplayer doesn't really go well together, especiallly since the luck factor is so damn big in their every attempt at multiplayer.

Still waiting for a Trauma game to consider the Wii U.
almost 10 years ago
It's all I got to say about splatoon. While it might be fun, there were lots of minigames with this idea.
So either Splatoon will feel like a giant minigame, or Nintendo will have to make some multipayer cliches to keep people interested.
almost 10 years ago
Oh please i don't even know the game and just being aware counters it.
almost 10 years ago
@Jo Pereira: given sometime the game will develope a meta, like snipers/splatter JR keeping rollers at bay like I saw at some matches towards the end
almost 10 years ago
@Zero: what? console maker, major game developer, owner of two major competitive franchise nintendo? yeah you are right there is no way this game could be balanced
almost 10 years ago
Let's be real: Did anyone expect an arena FPS developed by Nintendo to be balanced? Fucking Nintendo!?
almost 10 years ago
Guys, guys... the deal with the roller isn't how good they are in combat, this is a plus. The thing is they cover the map super fast.

Killing you while yoloing the map is just a bonus.
almost 10 years ago
How to kill a roller:

1. Walk backwards
2. Aim at the roller
3. Hold ZR.

You could also ink a wall and hide, turn a corner and go squid form to get around them, stop and jump if they are chasing you (you'll jump over them), or if also playing a roller, face them, aim up, an mash ZR.
almost 10 years ago
Hey guys, I found out the secret to beating rollers.

Walk Backwards.

Seriously, Rollers are only a threat if they take you by surprise. I splat at least twice the number of rollers I died to, and more than half of those was just cause I didn't see them.
almost 10 years ago
Rollers: the git gud weapon.

almost 10 years ago
Rollers, also known as Pyros.
almost 10 years ago
I played this and quite honestly, the roller is not as OP as it seems. I saw a lot of players with that sniper rifle thingy one shot rollers.
almost 10 years ago
Testfire matches are only 2 minutes, turf war matches in the release game are 3 minutes. Other match types are 5 minutes.
almost 10 years ago
The grenade launcher has only had 4 shots instead of 6 for... 8 years now, and they still haven't fixed the model to reflect that.
almost 10 years ago
almost 10 years ago
Ah, nearly forgot about the public test. I'm going to have to check the times again and get on today.