@mem: so i'm not the only one that thought that as soon as i saw it.
The good doctor
over 15 years ago
I was spec'ing an engi friend in arena, he took out a heavy medic combo with his wrench, from the front. Actually this engi reminds me of him quite a bit.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Marauder is the worst class from any MMO except the Dark Templar from AoC. Sadly I played both, tempted by their awesomeness when the developers were talking about them.....they both were horrible classes from the get go and NO ammount of fixing will fix that.
over 15 years ago
aw, how cute. he thinks he's rambo
over 15 years ago
Female Engie, you can change the color of your disguise at any time. Red can disguise as any Red class, etc. You just won't fool your own team.
The lovely Female Engineer
over 15 years ago
Blue Spy > Disguise as Red Heavy
Red Spy > Disguise as Blue Heavy
Is that so hard?
over 15 years ago
What, no references to Black Mage yet?
Neagitve Zero
over 15 years ago
Deffinetly In my own opion not some of your best but I understand you want to get it out there. But rember Quality not quanity must of us were happy with the come out twice per week comics.
over 15 years ago
Barrels, Lumber and Kegs (BLK) - Worldwide producer of equipment, supplies, raw materials, fine wines and children's toys. Out of business. Some former BLK agents later joined RED or BLU, but rumor is they are... different.
over 15 years ago
Wait, I'll just use my Geass!...Glasses? Fuck.
over 15 years ago
H??????????????? IS C???????????????????OMI????????NG
@ Female engy
over 15 years ago
@Female engy
You obviously have never played tf2
The lovely Female Engineer
over 15 years ago
I miss the pyro and the cute engineer =(
The lovely Female Engineer
over 15 years ago
How can a blue spy be a blue Heavy?
Maybe he is a red spy ready to help the engineer.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
@Sunshine: If you mean Seargent Cortez from Future Perfect then yes, yes he does.
over 15 years ago
Nah, Engie is using a Monstrosity Marauder lvl 4 Morale. This means he will be nerfed and get his ass kicked by those 2 (too much of an obscure reference there, sorry)
over 15 years ago
Erecting an apocalypse!
over 15 years ago
That heavy's a (blu) spy!
over 15 years ago
omg this good then i think you can make a video of this this got to be best thing i see tf2 comic evey
over 15 years ago
is it just me, or does the engi remind you of the timesplitters guy.
Caliban Avenged
over 15 years ago
It's what he does. It's all he does. And he absolutely will not stop until he is dead.
over 15 years ago
He broke the spys watch. A medigun will probably be no different.
Doctor Icarus
over 15 years ago
Bluengie rolled the dice and got an >9000. Bluengie is now a rainbow.
over 15 years ago
Even ubers won't save those two now, methinks.
over 15 years ago
Engineer is going to get vac banned i swear
The Lovely Female Engineer
over 15 years ago
You have no chance to survive, make your time.
over 15 years ago
Honestly, I barely even understand what's going on any more. ._.
the young /co/mp/a/triot
over 15 years ago
Oh shi- He joined black team!
over 15 years ago
Black tentackle raip! nothing is safe from it.
over 15 years ago
thank god im not in there wen the engi goes KABOOMM on them 0.0"
over 15 years ago
@Dood's "Clark Kent and Angry Curly?" Photonote: +1
@Lancars' "Engineer gets new buff..." Photonote: Shinigami mode? :P
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
"All this over a level 1?"
Dude, if it was a level 2 or 3, there'd be no questioning. This is like killing the youngfolk - a babby sentry. ;_;
over 15 years ago
Get in front of me, doctor!
Black Sheep
over 15 years ago
You sure the engy isn't one of the Prototype experiments?
over 15 years ago
words cannot describe how epicly screwed that spy is.
over 15 years ago
All this over a level 1?
The horror.
over 15 years ago
Aw hell naw. ****'s gon' rain.
over 15 years ago
That uber wont save you now...
Dr. Obso1337
over 15 years ago
Seems like some serious ass-whoopin is about to ensue.
over 15 years ago
First post. My god the engineer has become the god of death. o-O
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