What people are saying about "Intimidate"
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over 15 years ago
I remembered Apocalypse, the last true X-Com game. Yes, putting heavy weapons into Rookies' hands is a bad idea. They have no idea how to shoot around corners.
over 15 years ago
in the last frame, engie's still standing in the doorway. transforming into a power ranger.
over 15 years ago
@ RED Spy, I believe that a sweat rag to mop off the sweat from the badassness of the engineer
BLU Medic
over 15 years ago
Mein Gott! I haf never zeen an Engineer zo enraged. Vat did ze Spy do to him?
M. Bass
over 15 years ago
Hell hath no fury like an Engy scorned.
Also, good lord you need to do an X-Com arc. More than most things. Like breathing.
over 15 years ago
Buy the Steam X-Com pack! $15 for all the games! Well worth it. And to get it running on Vista, here's a handy guide: http://www.giantbomb.com/guides/making-steam-release-work-on-vista/858/
over 15 years ago
If you wish to fondly remember X-Com, here's a Let's Play I found that you can waste your time reading. Almost finished.
over 15 years ago
X-Com arc, do want. That game was my childhood. I never had a console, I never had many "3d" games. But I had a few floppies marked "UFO: Enemy Unknown". Oh and Fallout.
cow-orker Jimm
over 15 years ago
I believe Furyhunter is talking about Altar's UFO Games which are inspired by X-COM. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO:_Aftermath (and Aftershock and Afterlight)
over 15 years ago
At the clearly confused photo commenters, the heavy never shoots. He's about then, then demon-engie glares at him.
over 15 years ago
You do know there's an X-Com collection on Steam for 15 bucks right? And the ones that need it come with DOSBox all configured and everything.
over 15 years ago
Oh god yes X-Com. I would love to see X-Com anything from this, be it an arc or just random drawings. =D
over 15 years ago
The UFO series is the X-COM's European release. The first X-COM was called "UFO: Enemy Unknown" in Europe. I know because I have the box right here. Also, X-COM arc, fuck yeah
over 15 years ago
X-Com arc? DO WANT.
Remember the best tactic: Prime granade, throw rookie!
over 15 years ago
I'd dig an X-COM arc! Always been a big X-COM fan! As for not working
with DOSBOX, well, I know there's a version that uses Windows out there, it's called Gold Edition. Found it on Home of the Underdogs initialy. Might wanna check it out, at least back then when it was abandonware.
over 15 years ago
Ahh, good old X-Com that game was evil in my younger days, My poor little computer couldnt run the inside battles at first 5 year later i fixed this problem and loved the gameMy biggest problem was attacking the police who then owned me for fun.
Oh and i'm kind of scared of hard hats now...
over 15 years ago
Why is the Heavy about to shoot a spinning pipe at the engie? So fake.
... Is that trolling enough yet? :\
over 15 years ago
Senrath, as I read it, the engineer walked on past them further into the base. Heavy was about to fire at one point, but the engineer gave him a "Don't mess with me" look.
BLU Soldier
over 15 years ago
Well it seems that its all up to the BLU engineer and pyro to stop this seemingly lucky RED engineer. Though our Spy has been out of sight awhile, perhaps the clever man is planning something with the bombcart?
over 15 years ago
The Engineer is leaving the room, right? I wanna make sure I'm not mistaking what's going on in the third panel.