What people are saying about "Cheapstake"
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over 9 years ago
Long War? --- well, basically, the Bad End future of XCOM 2 coming in November, the dev team as much as *said*: 'the most common result of playing Ironman Impossible Long War is storyline canon.'
over 9 years ago
But yeah, Slingshot, you can totally skip the Phoenix Cannon and Laser Cannon before you have a flying abductor. Here, I originally made this chart for the UFOPaedia: http://ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Air_Combat_%28EU2012%29#Damage_Table <-Winnable matchups.
over 9 years ago
As said: in Within, this is all knocked back a month to be less game-breaking (with Confounding Light honestly being the hardest of the 3 missions, especially as early as April in vanilla). The biggest bonus is that Gangplank's reward is more than you can use, so sell to build the base super-early.
over 9 years ago
Vanilla, set the difficulty to Impossible (Within: classic or impossible): then instead of a Chryssalid, there's a Muton with a Plasma Rifle. Stun it for an insane early lead on Plasma Research with it's interrogation, to the Light Plasma Rife, then to the Plasma Cannon for your interceptors by MAY.
over 9 years ago
And Slingshot is more gamebreaking in the vanilla than in Enemy Within: rush to have Alien Containment and the Arc Thrower before the 'escort Zhang' mission (in vanilla, it's as early in March, the 1st month. In Enemy Within, it's hardcoded to be in late April).
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
@Silverchapp chapenton: No, creators specify the discount amount.
over 9 years ago
Zhang in xcom also has a higher multiplier for chances to become a psionic. Though this is irrelevant as the other additions content gives you 4 assured psionics
over 9 years ago
Good Lord, look at all those notes. Is this what happens when moderators go on strike?
over 9 years ago
It's called Slingshot because completing the series of missions "slingshots" you into the rest of the campaign where you can research and buy whatever you want. It's supposed to be FUN!

If you really want to suffer, try The Long War after you beat Enemy Within! (2)
over 9 years ago
The special soldier from the XCOM Slingshot DLC has a little extra HP, but is otherwise not terribly special. If you don't like him, just don't use him. The point of Slingshot is to give some especially challenging missions for players who might have already beaten the campaign. (1)
over 9 years ago
You still receive high-ranking soldiers as a reward for abductions missions anyway
over 9 years ago
I picked up the XCOM DLC too. The chinese soldier isn't actually special, he just has a unique face and voice. Otherwise, he is the same as any other heavy. He is cool to have around though.
over 9 years ago
Zhang ain't the thing that breaks that DLC pack. He is a perfectly normal council mission soldier, with his own face and voice.

What does break it is that the third mission offers you a Battleship with TWO Fusion cores, the rarest resources in the game, along with tons of other much needed stuff.
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
why is there no comments here?
over 9 years ago
Huh, it's still better for devs, when I buy their game for $1, than when not buy it at all.
over 9 years ago
@Jo The Chinese Soldier always rolls Heavy and is not game breaking in any way.
over 9 years ago
i wonder if most of the prices are reduced with the creator's knowledge.
over 9 years ago
Admittedly, you're giving money to charity that way.
over 9 years ago
Trust me, the Chinese guy isn't anything special. You'll have a couple of his Rank by the time you get that mission available. To be honest, it's the content that's bad for the price; it's only one mission.
over 9 years ago
Oh no steam summer sale...
over 9 years ago
Low blow, Anne. Guess nature is taking over.
over 9 years ago
I seem to have gone into the site the moment this comic was uploaded... Hello?

Anybody in here?
over 9 years ago
Looked it up, it was who I thought, didn't notice the stat increases since I played normal and he only becomes op in harder difficulties since it seems his slightly better stats aren't affected by difficulty
over 9 years ago
I remember the Chinese soldier. He's not incredible, he's just a normal soldier with a back story mission where you can screw up and lose him. Least I think he's who you mean. No special stats, skills or numbers, just a soldier you aren't allowed to change the appearance or story of
over 9 years ago
Don't forget to refund it before two hours have passed.
over 9 years ago
Don't forget to refund the game before 2 hours!
over 9 years ago
a dollar
ended up
I feared
earn your stripes
over 9 years ago
What do you think of the monster clicking game? The reddit lobbies are breaking the game on their way to level 4000
over 9 years ago
She does not look broke. She could have bought the indie full-price.

Humble Bundle is not an excuse to buy Indie games for almost nothing in bunch. No, really.
over 9 years ago
Well, she had to support you for months! Show more respect!
over 9 years ago
I get the joke, but I think it should say something like "less than a dollar" instead of "a dollars". Anyway, I'm kind of like Anne in that I usually wait to buy a game I want until there's a sale or it's free (I got the original Syndicate when Origin offered it for free).
over 9 years ago
I don't think I get this. So you mean we should pay more for indie games?
over 9 years ago
Did you misspell "cheapskate" or is it deliberate?

"s" at the end of "a dollars" is not needed.
over 9 years ago
a dollars?
over 9 years ago
Did you misspell "cheapskate" or is it deliberate?
And "s" at the end of "a dollars" is not needed.
over 9 years ago
i am teh first!
btw seems its new arc...
over 9 years ago
If the developer didn't want people to buy their game at a discount, they wouldn't have put it on sale.
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
I just spent over 30 bucks on 6 games. R.I.P wallet. (also, that steam original title)
over 9 years ago
Cheapstake is where vampire hunters go for equipment. Cheapskate is people who are cheap, like facehunter.
over 9 years ago
Is everyone going out and buying Super Pixelated Indie Adventure or something? Why are there no comments or photo notes, yet?
over 9 years ago
Holy shit, Angie's right hook is not to be taken lightly. Look at that monitor go.

Is that even her final form?
over 9 years ago
all your soldiers are already dead

Rip in peace
over 9 years ago
anne has so much money, why does she care about the price?
over 9 years ago
Great, now I feel bad.
over 9 years ago
Ironically, the Slingshot DLC does offer a hefty advantage, but the unit it gives you isn't it. Zhang is actually pretty ordinary in terms of numbers.
over 9 years ago
And then I saw some guys here in Brazil, where you know we already get a generous conversion, having their account in Russia so they can pay less in rublos.
over 9 years ago
Yeah, what an asshole, who would do such a thing... ehr... *looks at the recently bought, 80% off, Long live the Queen at steam library*
over 9 years ago
Just buy splatoon already dude
Timothy Jerrells
over 9 years ago
Indie developers get full reimbursement from Steam as if you bought it for full price. Buying on sale is the best.
over 9 years ago
fuck steam, GOG galaxy is mai waifu
over 9 years ago
There gets to a point where your time is more valuable than your money.

In those indie pixelated adventures, where you have to play through two hours of game integrated tutorials in order to get to a couple sorta fun levels, hell with that. I'd rather replay Binding of Isaac.
over 9 years ago
The chinese DLC soldier isn't overpowered unless you are playing on impossible, and even then its debatable how much the +aim he has really matters. Playing on easy mode actually gives him an HP nerf :p
over 9 years ago
that would be XCOM
X-Com didn't have dlc's