What people are saying about "Captain Obvious"
Captain Obvious
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almost 9 years ago
If they want to spend all of Angie's money, then she should be cheap right pack! I'd say, for the next XX comics, those two are drawn in... pencil. XD
almost 9 years ago
Homeworld Remastered! You just missed a good sale but the game is great, so far. If you like RTS even a little you owe it to yourself to play that game at least once in your lifetime :)
almost 9 years ago
I reccomend marbozir, he did long war alot, but dont look at the beta 15 one.....they need to fix it.
almost 9 years ago
oh man drawing that torture chamber must be taking forever
also GTA 5 online is a grindfest dont bother
almost 9 years ago
And I heartily recommend the Disgaea series. The new D2 one is a upgraded engine, but is a continuation of the story from the first game. It's really too bad they never did a PC version, but you can get Hour of Darkness on DS or PS3 through the PSN store. Another grindy game, but a blast!
almost 9 years ago
XCOM Long War is a LONG investment, but does totally change a huge chunk of the game and how it plays. As some of the others have said, watch of the LPers on YouTube first, see if you think you might want to try it. BeagleRush is a good one there, I learned a lot from watching some of his stuff.
almost 9 years ago
Has Jo played GTAV? If not I would love to hear what he thinks of it. If so, then play Rocket League.
almost 9 years ago
if you are looking for a good tactics game with a good story I recommend Final Fantasy tactics, or if you are just looking for a good tactics game I recommend Fallout tactics.
almost 9 years ago
Download the latest Beta and play The Long War on Normal with the DLC turned OFF. Look at all the Second Wave options and don't be afraid of ones that help the player.
almost 9 years ago
It is time for Baldur's Gate. You know it's true!
almost 9 years ago
Try playing Mordheim. Its still early-access, but its damn good.
almost 9 years ago
@Alexander Petrov: You mean theres 4 more days with Postal Dude than I though there would be? Good times!
almost 9 years ago
Actually, Postal 2 has 12 days total: 5 days in vanilla, another +2 in Apocalypse Weekend DLC and another +5 in Paradise Lost DLC.
almost 9 years ago
Que tal the witcher 3 já que você é fã da série?
almost 9 years ago
@TeslaCoil: Meant XCom Piratez silly...
almost 9 years ago
@GratLurking:Of course you didn't silly: Postal 2 only has 7 days in it( 8 if you count the new DLC)
almost 9 years ago
What comic was "last time"?
almost 9 years ago
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)THE FANSERVICE CREW HAS ARRIVED( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
almost 9 years ago
@TeslaCoil: Thanks for reminding me that I need to catch up with the LP of that! It's a excellent example of the power of a full conversion, lemme tell ya, but it's also bone-bitingly difficult. Bit of a shame, I tried it and couldn't last a month. ;-;
almost 9 years ago
Well, there was recently an update to Knights of the Old Republic 2 that added Steam Achievements and Workshop support for easy modding. Also larger resolutions.
almost 9 years ago
Oh, and Tropico 5 is quite fun city builder with lots of character.
almost 9 years ago
Factorios vids looks great, but I tried it and got bored immediately after seeing how slowly ore digging is.
almost 9 years ago
Fire Emblem Awakoning is a good game, if you have a 3ds to play it with.
almost 9 years ago
If you like Minecraft, try Space Engineers. Alpha as fuck, but fun. Multiplayer is an unstable mess, though. It is, however, entirely unlike XCom
almost 9 years ago
You're such a tease, Jo.
almost 9 years ago
You tried The dragon age games yet? If not I'd recommend them. I find City Builders make for a nice change of pace every once in a while when I jag on more combat focused games. Space Colony, Startopia, and Emperor Rise of the Middle Kingdom (abandonware) are good ones
almost 9 years ago
Or try Ride to Hell: Retribution if it ever comes back to Steam (Deadpool returned so I still have hope of getting the Cook's Mad Recepy DLC)
almost 9 years ago
The obvious answer for a new game to play is Postal 2: a hyper-violent game that sets out to insult and offend everyone but which can still be finished without killing anybody or breaking the law (yes, even the red-neck chicken gimp-dungeon can be escaped without killing any of the enemies).
almost 9 years ago
Try old school openxcom. They have a Piratez total conversion mod where you play as a band of space pirate babes in the post apocalyptic future where the aliens won. I'm not joking, it actually exists and its glorious.
almost 9 years ago
Definitely Valkyrie Chronicles, if you're into strategy. One of the top 3 games I've played on PS3, now on Steam. XD
almost 9 years ago
I vote for Valkyria Chronicles too. It's pretty cheap on Steam now and a fairly decent port.

The game itself is actually pretty damn fun and challenging (though sometimes punishingly hard).

The story is kind of a whacky in a charming way. WW2 stands for Waifu Wars 2 honestly.
almost 9 years ago
Have you tried Factorio yet ?
almost 9 years ago
Jo you should try Valkyria Chronicles if you haven't already. It looks like a cutesy anime game, but it's actually a really good tactical combat game with a fairly mature story. And lots of waifus.
almost 9 years ago
Endless Legend!!!
It is a better civ in a SciFi- Fantasy setting with 8 unique factions from Space Viking to peacekeeping Dragons, from zealous robots to a Hive of the undead, warhungery, parasitic Insects
almost 9 years ago
(super cont.): The gist of above is that I messed with my character's actor values (http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Console_Commands_%28Skyrim%29/ActorValues) to run faster, jump higher, one-shot kill with arrows, but have a more human durability. I also disabled fall damage as a concession. YMMV
almost 9 years ago
Cont: OTOH, if what you want is an entertaining challenge, I've been having fun with this in Skyrim PC:

Open console with '~' key
player.setav speedmult 200
player.setgs fjumpfallheightmult .001
player.setgs fjumpheightmin 120
player.setav health 10
player.setav marksmanpowermod 9999
almost 9 years ago
@Jo Pereira: If you're looking for more turn based, you might try Shadowrun Returns, Dragonfall, or Hong Kong. They're like a gestalt of XCOM and a tabletop game. Or, hell, if you like writing and want infinite re playability for free, you might even try a Play-By-Post tabletop game.
almost 9 years ago
Stop getting disappointed by XCOM, play Xenonauts instead, you will never regret it!
almost 9 years ago
@Joseph Collins: Just save yourself the pain and trouble and watch Zemalf's LP. All the Ironman Impossible with none of the heart attacks.
Also, they weren't kidding when they called that mod LONG War.
almost 9 years ago
How about some relaxing trip to cardhuntria? Card hunter is free, easy and fun )
almost 9 years ago
You should play some evolve so we can get a chibi-kraken.
almost 9 years ago
@anothga Agreed, a Jane cheesecake or pinup would be grand.
Mr. Al
almost 9 years ago
Well Jo, if you want a new game, try the Witcher 3? much better than TW2, but also larger. it's not a "sandbox" like TES games, but it's still open-world, mostly and pretty large. it's like Skyrim's little brother, and if you preferred the original Witcher game over the sequel, you'll like this one.
almost 9 years ago
My advice for running Ironman Classic in XCOM: Enemy Unknown?


I've heard nothing but horror stories of the game... well... acting as expected (on that difficulty) and kicking peoples' asses six ways from Sunday. If you do play it, just keep that in mind.
almost 9 years ago
@Jay and Snoipah
Oh, Jo does make NSFW content. He just doesn't post it where most people can get at it. The people that can get at it, though? They post it where people can see it.

It's a weird cycle.
almost 9 years ago
I appreciate this art style in general and cartoony sexy girls in particular.
Yes. Yes, I do, indeed.
almost 9 years ago
I would highly recommend Divinity 2 Developers cut. I'ts a highly underrated RPG about a Dragon Slayer who ends up becoming the very thing He/She hunts, a Dragonknight. And you get to be a mother flippin Dragon :)
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago
NOT ENOUGH FANSERVICE, IT NEEDS MORE. IT NEEDS TO BE NSFW but since that's impossible, just make do it NO CLOTHES, just VERY convenient censors.
almost 9 years ago
I knew it! :3
almost 9 years ago
Punishment: Play in a server full of Demospam and sentries.
Withouth spies, medics and whatever means to help deal with it.

almost 9 years ago
Unless you can beat Xcom on the impossible difficulty with all the modifiers that help aliens, the long war will fuck you.
First off, everyone can be psionic if they pass the psion test, which is pretty low and never above 90%
Like Marbozir, you can fail repeatedly and never get a volunteer.
almost 9 years ago
How about you make them read youtube comments on political videos?
Look I know they only stole money, but this makes them not want to do anything ever again.
almost 9 years ago
Don't play long war unless you're ready to deal with some SERIOUS bullshit, long war adds a lot to the game but it also empowers the aliens greatly and makes the game way less forgiving
Andrew L. Miller
almost 9 years ago
Punishment: Worst 5 video games the artist has ever played, or jokes on what the common worst 5 video games are and they have to play them. Of course the basic punishment is making them turn into eye candy...never works with these girls.
almost 9 years ago
try the not-oldies... isaac is always there for fun...
almost 9 years ago
@LockeZ: Nobody should have to be exposed to disgaea
almost 9 years ago
Huh... So Jane dropped trou before stripping her shirt off...
almost 9 years ago
If you play Long War, have two interceptor with stingrays on standby to shoot down or damage high-flying medium UFOs. Those hunt for your satellites. And don't expand satellite-wise to other continents before you have several interceptors with lasers to protect them.
almost 9 years ago
Jo should play a Disgaea game. Because we need Disgaea comics. The characters would be perfect for Nerf Now.
almost 9 years ago
Jo, ever played Overlord II ? One of the few Games were beeing Evil the whole Purpose.
almost 9 years ago
I'd actually like to see a Jane pin-up.
Michael Applejack Kanstle
almost 9 years ago
You should give Invisible Inc a try. It's turn based and its pretty hard like XCOM, but there's a lot less RNG bs.
almost 9 years ago
Maybe this time they should put on MORE CLOTHES!
almost 9 years ago
Ooh, also: FNAF 4 just came out early, as well.
almost 9 years ago
For Dolphin (Gamecube): Megaman X: Command Mission, or .EXE: Network Transmission (earlier this year, I got some hackers together to make a "have all chips" code for it, so I can hook ya up there).
But back to DC2: that's an RPG, so it takes a while to beat.
almost 9 years ago
"Poorer parts of the game", or "parts of the game you'll do poorly at"?
Well, I need to wrap up my Dark Cloud 2 playthrough--- doing a lot of PS2 replays ever since I finally got around to setting up the PCSX2 emulator.
almost 9 years ago
Just kidding, Angie gets bullied too much.
I think the punishment will be more serious this time.