What people are saying about "Charged Hammer"
Charged Hammer
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almost 9 years ago
Toss out Auchenai Soulpriest, Velen, and then use 4 mana to do 32 damage with Flash Heal and Light of the Naaru.
almost 9 years ago
Actually Shaman's got two direct buffs to their HP this expansion: Said hammer and Justicar Trueheart. JT's buff quite literally allows you to choose the totem you summon, so no more bad totem if you don't want it.

Me, I'm drooling over the idea of Priest...
almost 9 years ago
I kind of want to say too little damage, too many charges on this thing. It would be insane if it is a 3/3 or a 4/2 instead. We will see how it turns out, though.
almost 9 years ago
(cont.) That being said, Shamans actually have a means of forcing the hero power early, but the 2 controlled damage is pretty big in what it brings to the table: "Do I want to sacrifice my 3 0/2 and 1 1/1 totems that give me board presence to get 2 damage anywhere in the late game?" It'll be cool.
almost 9 years ago
I think the most interesting thing about Charged Hammer is that if you run it, because it has no Overload, you could make your turn 5 play to replace this with Doomhammer and have the 2 damage be accessible turn 6+, though of course you could also do it with Power Mace or Stormcharged Axe. (Cont.)
almost 9 years ago
But that healing wave though. Control shaman may be a thing. Poor druid and his healing touch xD
almost 9 years ago
I think shamans are good but hard to play. Maybe it's just my experience of getting wrecked by good shamans on ladder.
Nevertheless the comic is pretty funny. That Thrall on the third panel.
almost 9 years ago
Lol. Jo, you sure can be opinionated on this even though you don't seem to fully understand it. Totems are actually very good. The new hero power does not make you a facehunter, but is going to be an amazing help in giving board control if you can get it.
almost 9 years ago
Shaman Hero power + Colliseum Manager = Kappa
almost 9 years ago
@Radosław Paweł Skorupa: And maybe somebody will figure out a way to make it work, but at 4 mana and 4 durability it won't happen until turn 7 which makes it only useful in a control deck, which shaman currently doesn't really have.
Radosław Paweł Skorupa
almost 9 years ago
Funny, but the new Hero Power won't be a Face Hunter. It's gonna be 2 targetted damage, not 2 face damage - something like 2x Mage's Hero Power or Priest's Shadowform. While they can be used on enemy Hero when you have no better target, the most efficient way to utilize them is clearing minions.
almost 9 years ago
not easy to be shaman...
like if wind fury and dmg buffs on the face ins't a rare thing around