The only thing that I have to coplain about TI5, were the very repetitive picks. Even though this TI had the most different heroes bans and the most Picks (4 heroes not picked, ES and Oracle don't count) almost 100% ban Leshrac, 94% QoP and 90% Gyro picks. Batrider 100% ban meta much?
@Alex Xeno:
most heroes in dota 2 ARE viable, its just that some are more popular.
as someone already said, this TI had the most amount of heroes picked, with only like less than 20 not used. there are just those heroes people are more comfortable in using.
About that last comment "Meta feels like league" League is actually trying very hard, and succeeding at avoiding situations like that. they are working hard to make each champion unique and viable for Pro play. Hope DOTA 2 follows along.
@Better Nerf Irelia: How would dota be more focused on lategame except that you can relatively easily come back nowadays? Also, it obv does not make for interesting tournaments, did you watch LoL tournaments? They know the winning team from day 1.
nerf this and nerf that, and buff already strong heroes
and from the 112 heroes from the pool you get something like 30 viable heroes...
the worst kind of balancing in a video game
and patch 6.85 can take ages until it's come,speaking of which...
Sturm Novahl
over 9 years ago
If you like Endless Legend, you'd probably like Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes a whole lot as well.
Yeah I know what you mean whenever I try to describe it I end up basically saying like Civ but different and the person I am explaining to is like hey want to play Civ?
After playing Endless Legend, I don't think I can go back to Civ. It just does everything better. Here's hoping that Firaxis takes Endless Legend as proof that there's still room for innovation in the genre (along with some lessons learned from Civ BE).
In the end the game became what it is today: slow and flashy. Icefrog possibly liked Riot's approach (it makes for very intersting tournaments with no 1.000.000 concedes), so it decided to follow it. In the recent patches DoTA has become slower, with more focus on lategame.
If you look at previous seasons, strategies like proxy-farm, Hard-early push, Mid-Game Deathball and solo Split-pusher used to be Meta. But patches after patches those strategies died: objectives are more resilent earlygame, towers regenare life, dragon no longer gives gold, etc. [Continues]
The thing is that LoL meta has also evolved into this. And that was intentional in Riot's part. Mosts professional matches always last the same ammount of time (~40 minutes), making them very profitable. Good teamfights also make the game easier to sell, since they look awesome. [Continues]
@Technature: My analysis as someone who doesn't play DOTA, or have any familiarity with tournament events.
Big tournament with $1 mil prize. 2 years ago, a clutch Dream Coil was the "winning move." This year, an Echoslam was the "winning move". Last year, a team just conceded, which is kinda a