Mystery is better than Mistery.
Also english makes very little sense
Do you know which is right?(dont use google)
Dang jo, you need a germ free ball?
I had no idea people looked that deep in shooters... To me it was team A and team B, much like TF2. Nothing more.
The only military shooter that made me grimace was Spec Ops, but that's storywise, not gameplay.
Kilgore, I think you take this a bit more seriously than I do, but on the whole I agree. Realistic shooters make me *very* uncomfortable. The only shooter I ever really liked was Titanfall. I liked the grunts, the mix of pilot and titan combat, the wall running, and the simple set of weapons.
I think most points have already been covered here but I'd like to reiterate: CS was the first popular multiplayer shooter that was "realistic" and had strategy and tactics and things. It wasn't a deathmatch game like Quake, and it was the only game of its kind. As a result, it got a massive fan 1/2
base that persists to this day. Also the lack of perks etc. from CoD, as someone else said: in CS, it comes down to you and your gun.
Re: not playing it because don't want to be terrorists or w/e, who cares? CoD has terrorists, do you not play that? Play the game for the game play. 2/2
Hey, she should count herself lucky that she's not making deliveries on the field! But maybe we'd finally see a courier fighting back for once. That would be interesting.
@Alan: The thing is, you said bad guys, which means that the special forces (one of which is IDF) are good guys. And when the IDF does things like the following, they are not good guys at all:
@Kilgore Trout: You may try to look different at this. In CS:GO you are either in a team of bad guys who hopefully have a reason to bring attention through terrorist attacks or team of special forces ready for everything with only one purpose - to stop terrorists. No need to bring politics here
i guess ease of access and whatnot is great but games like dota 2 and csgo seem to have more life-time in their games because its pretty complex, maybe thats why theres a lot of player base lol.
although theres LoL too which people say doesnt have as deep learning curve as dota yet more popular.
And before anybody points out that American forces tend to kill a lot of civilians too, that's true, and that's why I don't want to play any shooters which put me in the role of U.S. armed forces either. I will stick to fighting zombies in L4D and Reapers in Mass Effect and things like that, thanks.
Re. CS:GO: Ain't no way I'm playing a game that paints the IDF as heroes.In TF2 I'm playing as idiots killing other idiots for a stupid reason, and it's all too ridiculous to make me feel uncomfortable. It WOULD make me uncomfortable to play as a real life army that kills tons of innocent people.
This is what Jo had to do long ago. Well, if you want it done in a right way - do it yourself.
CS GO is an ancient piece of shit that usually attracts poor people with garbage specs to play a game of russian rollete, who can enjoy this 10 year old engine is beyond me
maybe red orchestra 2 spoiled me...
Henri Laakso
over 9 years ago
The reason dota2 and cs:go having the top 2 spots on steam is probably as they are not casual games there is more to play in them than in CoD or any other casual game where you play maybe 200 hours of it and then you just have nothing to accomplish in them besides getting to max level
Because CS was the first to get in the public knowledge of being THE FPS to play. Simple delivery and well though out basic mechanincs with no bullshit inbetween. Same reason why WoW got popular, I'm sure you don't need me to explain the reasons behind that.
If you don't like the downtime, try playing Arms Race, it's chaotic fun. Also, I believe that most people must play with friends, and that probably make the game a lot better.
@Bach Viet Dinh: Hacks on a Valve game are quite rare. VAC isn't the best anti-cheat out there, but it does work. There was a great flood of hacks a few years ago, but I haven't heard anything about hacking ever since.
CS got all that fame because it's the only shooter that it all comes down to skill. Global Offensive got an overpowered AK, but that's beside the point. No unlocking, no killstreaks, no NOTHING. Your gun and your target. Period.
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