Ahoy m80, if you want some people to play Overthrow/Customs hit me up on steam; Paticus Roth/VGPat
I felt like Overthrow was getting pushed to the wayside, what with a lot of people playing 10v10 and all the Tower Defense games. Good to see people still enjoy it.
@Joey Martiny: I just don't enjoy HotS laning... but it's not the Dota challenge which bother me, but the blame game. I don't mind being support in Overwatch because nobody expect it and you can actually get farm and be useful.
@Joey Martiny: Except that there is no counter picking in HotS until you play Hero League, which either costs you money or an absurd amount of time grinding the casual game mode where both teams can have the same hero.
Quite a shitty design decision imho ;-) Just give everyone access to all heroes.
If what you like is teamfights and counterpicking, and dislike the whole warding problem and farming, you should try Heroes of the Storm. I know you don't like the whole "Diablo riding a pony" thing, but the game really has some good tactical depth, and has a lot of Blizzard's polish.
That Overwatch text can be really confusing.
As VenomBHz wrote, it's almost certain that Jo actually meant Overthrow, which is an arena-style custom mode in DotA 2.
Iirc, starcraft has origins involving warhammer pulling it's support late in development, hence why the zerg look so much like tyranids.
Not as sure about warcraft, but it seems reasonable to assume it has a similar origin, or started as a fan project to make a warhammer-esque game.
I wouldnt. Blizzard suck huge dick, copying others style. They started from Warhammer, and now stole TF2/Loadout idea, but made it simplier, like for 5 year old kids and other morons who enjoy their products.
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