Poor Icefrog. Don't hurt him; he's doing his best. :'(
As for the comments about Riot's "actual" Pro League, all I can say is LOL - you guys are clueless. Stop writing stuff if you don't know what you're talking about please. :)
@Emissary Of Infinity: Once they get competition? Riot has more players and an actual pro league. DOTA2 has a bowl league, less players, and the promise that the game will finally be balanced "next patch".
They'll eventually get their act together, most likely once they get some competition. There've been worse examples of balancing out there (looking at you Elsword) that got things set straight in the end, so I wouldn't worry too much.
@Tyler Wang: Heh, saying a company isnt greedy, that's funny. Also charging old games for their current value is generous? For a company that is considered Generous considering now they probably want to charge you triple for their digital "Rarity".
But yeah theres a disclaimer about bitching.
I Don't play RagingMicro 2 the sequal or watch Skillshots Of The Ancients 2 so I dont understand what patch is nessesary, but clearely there is some obvious balance problem.
Noam Ben Arih does raise some good points and I do agree that dota2 is unbalanced but complaining about it here won't get anything accomplished not to mention he insults VALVE for being greedy even though they are grenerous with sales and what not.
@MrPreist I assume you are talking to me and you're right i don't care about dota 2 too much, however I am dissing that other guy because he is not making dota 2 better. All he's doing is complaining on a webcomic. Had he said the same thing on a dota subreddit I wouldn't have cared.
What I am saying is to give user feedback where it matters. I highly doubt icefrog read nerfnow so why bother bitching about it here? Go to a dota 2 forum or the Web page or the steam review. And I do consider it bitching when you put it in the wrong place.
@Noam Ben Arih: Making a game with over 100 playable characters where every character is viable is not humanly possible. This is why I cry every time someone asks for Mortal Kombat to include all the characters again, like Armageddon.
If you don't care enough to give a feedback, you probably just don't care enough about the game.
Which is okay, but dissing others for trying to voice their opinion - Is not.
@Tyler Wang: Without user feedback, you'd get games like AC: Unity with every release.
User feedback is important, if not IceFrog, it's possible other employees read this web comic.
Even if not, someone might read the comment, and raise the issue on a forum that does get to the DOTA2 devs.
Noam Ben Arih Still better than Konami and EA. But seriously don't like dota 2? Then don't play. There is no point in being a little bitchs about it and complaining on a gaming webcomic. That will accomplish jack shit. It is not like icefrog reads nerfnow or anything.
@Noam Ben Arih At least the balance is there after big events where pros use all their strats that they have been keeping,so people would use them in pubs until icefrog balances them->Make new patch->Refresh the scene anew. IMO i think it's better because the decisions arent rushed but well thought
Also not to mention that VALVE has not just one game to take care off, and not to mention that riot can't even have in game voice chat or in game builds. So really I find what you say to be false.
much on monatzation they forget it's a community game
and with all community games it should be regualrly patched, not a patch every half a fucking year! that's why i tend to have more pleasure in playing mods and heroes of the storm