@Adeptus Enginus: But the scissors would be correct since rock paper scissors is a perfectly balanced game. Dismissing an argument just because the one making it is biased would be the genetic fallacy.
@OleJ: The joke is that Rogue is the one arguing that Patron isn't imbalanced, when an Oil Rogue deck is one of the only ones in the game that can reliably counter Patron, thus giving her a blatant bias. It's Scissors telling Rock that Paper is Balanced.
If this is so, this is a clear example of bad balance architecture.
Everything you're doing is buffing randomly and chopping off the top just so that it's dead or almost unpicked for ages. Look at rogue, you killed it and its only escape was a counter. Come on blizzard, check your shit.
We are going to need more Jain Proudmoore in this comic. Lots.
about 9 years ago
@Elodin: How dare you say they should delete Grim Patron! I've won many a game with them in tavern brawls and in the arena; and as a mage too! Don't imply that card's only worth is to combo with Warsong Commander, it is better than that and you know it!
The biggest thing for me with Patron Warrior was how cheap the deck was to create once you'd gained the Adventure only cards.
When the only legendary you need is Emperor Thaurissan, it completely removes the random element of card packs and the highest cost of crafting a deck.
Second: The Warsong nerf was too much. It completely killed Patron warrior. Yes, Patron is strong and it needed a nerf, but this completely invalidates the deck. They should have nerfed Frothing, as that's the card that usually creates OTK from an empty board. They might as well delete Grim Patron.
First of all: Yes, I played the Indivisible demo. I enjoyed it a lot and plan on backing the project soon, though I will admit the controls can be confusing in combat. Hopefully they work on clarity before they release the final product. Still, it was a lot of fun and I do love Lab Zero.
about 9 years ago
I'm torn. Normally I hate Valeera because rogue decks are always annoying, but she looks really cute here.
@Håkon Moen: As stated by Ben Brode: Charge (as a mechanic) limits design space, and minions that give charge to other minions as a state based effect are even more restricting, since you always need to keep that state based effect in mind in future cards.
Håkon Moen
about 9 years ago
Wouldn't it be better to change frothing berserker's stats to 4/something for something to make it unaffected by warsong commander? this would make the patron warrior less OP while still keeping the warsong patron combo.