What people are saying about "Thanks Icefrog"
Thanks Icefrog
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over 9 years ago
I love all of your Dota 2 comics and the humor in this one is especially sweet considering doom is one of those heros that can turn the most esteemed caster into a welp running for their life. You can almost hear the Invoker laughing in the background on this one lolz!
over 9 years ago
I actually saw a Hanzo-dragon play of the day yesterday (on Sjin's Twitch stream) that killed 5/6 including their Mercy. The key was doing it through a wall so they couldn't see where it was coming from until it was slapping them in the face
over 9 years ago
Personally, I'm fine with Battleborn. I haven't really played vs there, but this blend of ARTS with FPS wroks better cooperatively.
over 9 years ago
If any character wipes your whole team with only an Ultimate in Overwatch, you have a shitty positioning - just like in MOBAs.
over 9 years ago
Cut Ice Frog some slack
over 9 years ago
I should be envious that you got into the Overwatch beta and I didn't. But it looks like you got into the beta because you'll draw comics to publicize it.
over 9 years ago
@Matthew Horstman: because, in dota 2 at least, they need to repeat that 2-3 times before the enemy recovers.
also I cant really comment on overwatch since I havent checked it out, but in MOBA team wipes can happen multiple times but it doesnt automatically mean you win.
over 9 years ago
A part of me found the joke very amusing, but another part of me was looking ath WC's face on the second panel and thinking "Wow Jo, harsh..."
over 9 years ago
"However, it sometimes feel cheap to lose because one guy wiped half of your team by pressing one button."

I... what? You literally just described every MOBA. Why are you fine with it in those games, but not this?
over 9 years ago
@Ajedi32: Damn, didn't see that. Thanks
over 9 years ago
@Eldaln: https://www.dota2.com/news/updates/19087/

6.85b: Scepter Doom no longer increases damage, Scorched Earth damage and heal reduced from 12/24/36/48 to 12/23/34/45, Scorched Earth cooldown rescaled from 60/55/50/45 to 55
over 9 years ago
Huh... Doom seems a bit.. short. :P
over 9 years ago
the new dota event is a mockery to diretide

and worse of all, NO DROPS!
Valve has officainly gone the EA route of "fuck you, give me money"
over 9 years ago
"Ultimates", huh? One button press that gives you nigh-guaranteed kills that come along every so often, and can be used to wipe teams?

Pls no. no more Destiny, no more Destiny...
over 9 years ago
What nerf are you talking about Jo? Doom has even been buffed in the last patch
over 9 years ago
@Michael Smith: She's actually one of the characters from Hearthstone. She's the one who got nerfed execution style in this comic. http://www.nerfnow.com/comic/1670 And just now I got the joke in that comic's third panel. The executioner is not using an axe but a hammer. Nerf hammer.
over 9 years ago
You're not going to see a Dragonstrike PotG because it's not meant exclusively for killing people. I think of it more like Widowmaker's ult, where it's for utility. It's also very good in some situations, like when there's 3 tanks in a hallway you want to get past :)
over 9 years ago
Man, I sure wish blizzard didn't invite almost only web-personalities into their beta event.

Silly me, it's not like they just basically had this beta to get tons of free press or anything, not at all.
over 9 years ago
Michael, I was thinking the same thing, then I got the joke:D
over 9 years ago
We JUST had an ark centered around it -_-
over 9 years ago
Who is the hero in the second panel? Kinda looks like Troll Warlord, but wrong skin colour and looks feminine.