What people are saying about "Survival of the Fittest"
Survival of the Fittest
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over 9 years ago
@Raxyz Face hunter is actually a weird one, because most control and midrange decks have little trouble out healing it enough to get a 50% or better winrate. It preys on other aggro decks that lack the taunt and heal. Sludge Belcher and Antique healbot keep it under control for most.
over 9 years ago
Is facehunter still a thing in HS? Wow... I stopped playing ages ago and it's still as OP as it was back then? You sure it's not just you having problems with Hunters Jo? Otherwise Blizzard really fails in balancing. XD
over 9 years ago
I'm not even sure this was supposed to have a joke.

More like social commentary.
over 9 years ago
Sneakly launched? Did you mean "Eclipsed by Overwatch Megahype that everyone had" ?
Else it was announced since a few weeks. A bad release date if you want my opinion, even if the goal was to release it for Halloween.
over 9 years ago
It's a little weird, people are saying that shamans are the weakest class, but every time I face one online, I got completely destroyed. It's pretty rare though.
over 9 years ago
You're making a digital card came sound way more interesting than it actually is.
over 9 years ago
That's actually not a bad David Attenbrough impression.