What people are saying about "Linkle 2"
Linkle 2
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over 9 years ago
@Kydrou Kair: The SJW would announce the next crusades if ganon goes the only female for a tribe of males.
over 9 years ago
I just LOVE how uderskirt shadow turned out to be stockings XD
over 9 years ago
She's basically his sister :P
over 9 years ago
I can't decide!
Can I haz both?
over 9 years ago
Heck, they could patch her into Wind Waker HD as an optional replacement for Link's sister, where she dons the hero's clothes and "Link" is the one whose kidnapping sets off the plot instead. Plenty of ways to make everyone happy, really.
over 9 years ago
If they decide to put her into a canon main game, they could always handle it like, say Costume Quest did: Whichever one you pick becomes the main character, with the other being the secondary. The series' timeline could merely mention "the hylian hero in green" and not specify gender or name.
over 9 years ago
Ooooh, I misread the description and thought you were going to draw Tingle as the next Patreon cheesecake.

Well then, too bad, no money for you this time!
over 9 years ago
Dammit, Jo! I've been trying to remove thing my Patreon, not add!

Lot's of Linkle fanart, but I'd like to see how Zelda and Ganondorf deal with her...
over 9 years ago
Yeah... Pretty, uh... easily, too. Are they really siblings? Or is Link just a little narcissistic?
over 9 years ago
Well, she did point an obvious difference. lol
over 9 years ago
@Bellar: B-baka Ganondorf
over 9 years ago
Jo, if anime reverse harems have taught me anything, it's more likely that Linkle would be constantly running into a handsome, muscular Ganondorf on her quest to rescue an gorgeously effeminate, but still male Zelda. That's just how it works when the main character is a girl.
over 9 years ago
>"Linkle cheesecake"

> *Subscribes to NerfNow Patreon*
Mmm... Genderswap cheesecake.
over 9 years ago
You know, Ganon never has this problem. You know why? Because that is 100% man right there. Seriously, the calf muscles he must have. Mmph. Kinda feel bad for the Gerudo that their only male decided that being literally the only suitor for an entire race of women wasn't as fun as being a pig wizard.
over 9 years ago
Now, Female Ganondorf is something i could really "get behind"....¬w¬

And the Gerudo tribe flavor-thing? Reverse all the tribe, and problem solved. You just can't think of it because turning a 99.9% female race male feels like new levels of blasphemy...
over 9 years ago
Deep down we always knew that Link was always a girl.
over 9 years ago
I always wanted this idea that the hero of time could reincarnate as a hero in green, but did not have to be a male all the time. Linkle and Zelda could just be good friends where then a great evil kidnaps Zelda and you, Linkle, must save your best friend from this mysterious enemy.
over 9 years ago
@Navarr: Female version of Link, possibly sister? Shippers will be having a field day over this.
over 9 years ago
@Navarr: Well, and Link is a Zelda character... one can argue videogame issues are never relevant anyway
over 9 years ago
Oh wow
When I was reading the page it cutout out in the middle right under the Eer and the Cut the Feed so I thought the page literally cut out in the middle.
over 9 years ago
Isn't Linkle just a Hyrule Warriors 3DS character? Why does it matter so much?
over 9 years ago
Here is the change that would be interesting, giving Linkle the Tri-Force of Wisdom as the main character, instead of Courage being the virtue.
over 9 years ago
what's there?
doesn't he have one too?
over 9 years ago
Linkle has braids? Mystery solved.
As for gender-swapped versions of other characters, the Direct said Linkle isn't actually Link, just someone who looks similar. Even if she were, that doesn't mean anything for other characters. There's a very story-important reason for Ganondorf being male.