What people are saying about "Man Versus Machine"
Man Versus Machine
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over 9 years ago
@Kim Chaussin: Batman and Superman almost never fight in canon, and when they do it's extremely brief. DC does a lot of stupid shit, way more than Marvel, but superhero gang wars are pretty squarely in Marvel's court.
over 9 years ago
@Nos Rin: Seriously? You've never seen DC Comics trying to force conflict for the sake of conflict? I've seen Superman fighting Captain Marvel and/or Batman so many time that I'm pretty sure there's a DC editor out there who's actually sexually aroused every time that happens.
over 9 years ago
@Runic SSB: totally agree. I found it annoying. This is further example of why I prefer DC over marvel. I constantly hear about marvel heroes always butting heads, but from personal experience I've almost never seen that in DC.
over 9 years ago
@Timothy Du: Just watched the trailer; looks really good, and (like you said) nothing like the comic. They actually have a good reason to be at odds and no one's being an asshole.
over 9 years ago
@Runic SSB: Fortunately, it doesn't resembled teh comic storyline and mostly focused on arresting Winter Soldier.
Like Wanted, which the comic was about Supervillains with ending of protagonist sodomizing the audience and horrible as movie, they wanted to avoid Mark Millar's comics.
over 9 years ago
I'm still pissed that they're seriously adapting this. Civil War was a shitty arc that started two awful trends; major events where heroes fight each other instead of the villains, and Captain America being a violent bully.
over 9 years ago
punches with the right hand, breaks his left hand, how?
over 9 years ago
Rigth hand punch. Left hand hurt...ok
over 9 years ago
I can show you how Cap gets around this problem in the comic this is based on, though:

over 9 years ago
You're right, Jo. Even moreso in the comics, since in those Cap isn't super-strong; he's just as strong as a human can possibly be without being superhuman, which still isn't enough to take on Iron Man.
over 9 years ago
Well, Tony could also just equip a lethal weapon and shoot him. That's not the point, really. Plus, Captain already proved to be able to punch metal multiple times in his comics. Hey, superpowers. Can't really bring logic into it.
over 9 years ago
Well... he IS a super soldier. with super human strength... So... Ya.
man, I never cared for this story arc...
over 9 years ago
Mostly Cap punches with his shield on the hand. Just for the extra .. edge.
over 9 years ago
(cont) and then there's the situation of him using those together (Tony's a smart guy, he'll think of something like this). Use the Hulkbuster as a strongpoint, bring up airborne iron legion forces to flush Cap's team out of hiding and towards the massive hulkbuster, with air support.
over 9 years ago
(-cont) none of which have much reach to them relative to Iron Man being able to go airborne and use that against Cap, nor the raw strength to compete with the Iron Man armor if Tony just decides to cut his losses and fly off, repair or switch armors, and come back, or even level the area. (cont)
over 9 years ago
To be honest, there's an even bigger set of problems.

1: Iron Legion. Come on, we gotta see this.
2: "Veronica". How is cap gonna fight against that beast?
3: Aerial superiority: Cap shows a preference for pistols, fisticuffs, and shield-throwing (Cont)
over 9 years ago
Well he IS a super soldier, punching metal doesn't tend to be a huge issue for superheroes