What people are saying about "The Gift That Keeps On Giving"
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
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over 9 years ago
@Aaron Chan:
Oh yeah, you're right. The end of your turn would be OP af. My bad
over 9 years ago
@Elodin: Doomsayer destroys all minions at the beginning of your turn, not the end.
over 9 years ago
@Drake Raids:
(Continued Part 3/3)

The elf in the red robe is Doomsayer. He's a 2 mana cost card that can be summoned by the Grey Mech (Piloted Shredder). Doomsayer's effect is "At the end of your turn, destroy ALL minions." Getting Doomsayer can screw you over if you have the advantage.
over 9 years ago
@Drake Raids:
(Cont.) adds a random beast to your hand. The Dino is a high attack minion with charge. So, if you got astronomically lucky, you would just get one after the other and it would be insanely good. Ignore the fact that raptor is a 3 mana and this isn't possible.

over 9 years ago
@Drake Raids:
It's based on Heartstone. There are certain cards that, when they die, summon a card of a lower mana cost. The blue mech is a 6 Mana that can summon a 4, the grey mech is a 4 mana that can summon a 2. The raptor is a "2 mana" that can summon a 1, the spider is a 1 mana that... (TBC)
over 9 years ago
This comic tries to do too much and is messy because of it. Don't get me wrong, I love the Nesting Dolls joke, but it would have been better without Doomsayer being thrown in there. I'm a fairly avid Hearthstone player and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. I did still enjoy it tho.
over 9 years ago
I'm fantastically unclear on what's happening in this comic. Can someone explain?
over 9 years ago
ugh... one of my absolute most despised out comes due to lag. Ram a shredder into a target and flip down a minion while the game decides to play catchup just to hear "THE END IS COMING!!!!" and my left eye suddenly goes blood red...
over 9 years ago
@ForgettableNPC: But the really unrealistic part is where a priest who made shitty trades into sticky minions that many turns in a row then somehow pulled out 15 damage from hand that he didn't use to just kill the hunter with earlier
over 9 years ago
-the other Mindgames created by Nefarian steals a Confessor Paletress which summons a Majordomo Executus and instantly loses game for Hunter.

Also, a Dreadsteed comes out of nowhere for infinite value.
over 9 years ago
-King's Elekk draws a Sneed's Old Shredder, Sneed's gives Nexus-Champion Saraad, Saraad gives Unstable Portal. Portal gives Nefarian which give two Mindgames. One steals Piloted Sky Golem from the Opponent and leads to the Shredder which gives a Doomsayer-
over 9 years ago
Picture the following: Hunter plays Tomb Spider. Tomb Spider Discovers Jeweled Scarab, Jeweled Scarab Discovers Desert Camel, Desert Camel puts Webspinner to the field. Webspinner gives Mounted Raptor which in gives a second Webspinner. Second Webspinner gives a King's Elekk-
over 9 years ago
@Eldaln: I actually laughed at this comment.
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
FFS, Jo, get an editor to filter these jokes through...Half your strips are absolute nonsense.
over 9 years ago
I like to think of myself as a pretty well versed gamer.
I have no idea what's going on here...
over 9 years ago
Now I just want to see a Tower of Sneedses with Kel'Thuzad on top.
over 9 years ago
@Caffeine Crash: Value? Whazzat? Can you go face with it?
over 9 years ago
I made a deck that was all "Sticky" Minions. Has Sky Golems, Shredders, Sneeds, Raptors, Belchers, Harvest Golems, Even Cairne. I miss the days of Cairne. It's a fun deck. Wins about as much as you would expect it to, which is about 50/50.
over 9 years ago
@LoLmanX: True. Expect everybody to point it later, but kudos for you to catching it first.

A honest mistake, but it was late and I could swear Mounted Raptor was 2... oh well, whatever, people will have fun pointing I was wrong there.
over 9 years ago
And more importantly, the elf guy in the orange robes is a doomsayer, which can spawn from the smaller robot and which usually destroys all minions when it does, which can completely turn the game around and cause even more saltiness than the comically lengthy chain depicted here.
over 9 years ago
@Serialkillerwhale: Close enough, except that the T-rex thingy technically goes into your hand when the spider dies so you still have to pay mana for it.
over 9 years ago
so if I understand this correctly, Big robot spawns the smaller robot which spawns a dinosaur which spawns a spider which then spawns a T-rex
over 9 years ago
Mounted Raptor is 3 Mana though.
over 9 years ago
The only thing that is missing is Unearthed Raptor stacked exactly like that nearby