I think Snipah forgot about the part of the Jarate lesson ad that said "Your friends will /never/ want to talk about their Jarate rescue /ever/ again"
over 15 years ago
I love how the sniper throws his jar of piss on her, and not telling her to `Stop, Drop, and Roll`
over 15 years ago
I love, how the photonotes clutter over the girls, especially over... particular spots...
over 15 years ago
I think....Think....That every single one of those picture comments....Is a sexually oriented one...with the exeption of the small few....I am disappointed in you all.....YES REALLY!
over 15 years ago
Spray of panel 2?
over 15 years ago
What do you choose? A jar of piss at your head or burn to death?
over 15 years ago
Does blue have 2 pyros? Since the fat pyro was with the engi, how did she got burned?
over 15 years ago
Medic doesn't look as annoyed as you would be if someone threw a jar of piss at your head.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
I just can't do anything right.
so ronery...
over 15 years ago
Thanks a lot for the link to the map ( tr_walkway ). I'm glad you have enjoyed it =). tf2maps.net is a big mapper community. Take a look around there, you will find excellent maps.
Very nice work with the comics, keep up the good work!
over 15 years ago
Let's just be frank here. The Medic DID look like she was a little thirsty, so the generous Sniper just couldn't help but give her a little lemonade for her trouble.
Bash Ironfist
over 15 years ago
Either the sniper is just silly, or he has a fetish for golden showers.
over 15 years ago
Well, at least Pyro puts out! *rimshot*
over 15 years ago
...as a result, I imagine a sequel to the above panels wherein a veritable 4-way orgy of flame-quenching hotness takes place between these lucky few... and oh, how I pity the 5 classes not invited to the party. You poor, poor, non-firefightin' bastards. ;_;
over 15 years ago
I love how the two guys putting out fires here just got fire-extinguishing skills in the Spy/Sniper update in May, and the two ladies getting doused by 'em are the only ones that had that ability since the very beginning of TF2....
over 15 years ago
I lol'd. Poor red-medic. Hot blue-engi.
Also, re the person who asked "Aren't medics self-extinguishable?" Well...technically everything is, eventually.
over 15 years ago
the blue engie girl seems to like being on fire
over 15 years ago
So you do hate snipers afterall ...
SF Legend
over 15 years ago
Sniper is a classy guy.
over 15 years ago
The medic seemed more worried that she was burning to death.
And more words? MY GOD.
over 15 years ago
I assume you don't play TF2.
The Jarate is a weapon the Sniper can get. My friends have a more accurate name for it: Jar-O-Piss.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Help can come in different forms.
over 15 years ago
Dat teist laik yurin :O~
over 15 years ago
...Why was he carrying around a jar of yellow fluid that is presumably urine?
over 15 years ago
Red Sniper
over 15 years ago
No worries shelia! There's plenty more where that came from.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Wait, what happened to other BLU engy-tan?
over 15 years ago
its all good. when the pyro goes for the sniper she'll refuse to heal him.
over 15 years ago
Also, someone needs to make more nerfnow distractor-sprays. Now. *spams*
over 15 years ago
"This kinda looks like a mentos comercial."
This would be the single most terrific mentos-comercial ever. Also, I'd like to see that.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
This kinda looks like a mentos comercial.
over 15 years ago
Blu engie and red medic. I'd put them both out. XD
Seriously though blu engie doesnt seem to mind being on fire too much.
over 15 years ago
Isn't the Medic a spy since you still see the piss on her?
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Nobby, maybe he was busy fillin' that Jarate.
over 15 years ago
Made a spray of the 2nd image, thanks for the great comic! :D
mr flibbles
over 15 years ago
Sniper shoulda just shot em both when he had the chance, thanks for standing still wankers!
over 15 years ago
Hah, Sniper's so cute.
over 15 years ago
I mean this photonote:"Why hello there, I appear to have spontaneously combusted, if only
there were some fire-proof material clad male to help me in my misery.
- saladful
over 15 years ago
Saladful lulz! Great comic dear Jo. I am very happy, keep this style of a comic!
Negative Zero
over 15 years ago
I saw the first half of the comic and I new what was next. Scrolling down only confirmed my Ideas
over 15 years ago
I do believe I just processsed cream gravy.
Sgt Crise
over 15 years ago
God help me I lol'd so hard I can't possibly describe it.
Also, engi is FRIGGIN HAWT!
over 15 years ago
Blue engie is cute, but i still love the red one xD
over 15 years ago
HA! XD This was a beautiful comic!
Wealthy Hobo
over 15 years ago
Medic should be thankful. There weren't any medkits as far as I know, and he saved her life.
So she's covered in piss. It's better than being burned alive.
over 15 years ago
hahaha, awesome!
Storm Trooper
over 15 years ago
AHHHHAHAHA This is the best comic EVAR!
over 15 years ago
I lol'd
over 15 years ago
Yes, a spray is very much needed from the second panel.
The HellJack
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
@Mr. Am/Pm
I still think the red engie-tan is the hotttest :O
over 15 years ago
I demand a spray, too... Something along the lines of "Airblast can extinguish people and get you the girls."
over 15 years ago
I am aroused and in the wrong way. Thanks a lot author!
over 15 years ago
I demand the second panel in spray format.
over 15 years ago
I have been shown, who is the boss!
over 15 years ago
Technically the white gown could possibly go transparent.
Or just yellow. Frikkin snipers.
over 15 years ago
Seems to me that the BLU and RED pyros could start a mutually profitable trade union...
over 15 years ago
Airblast gets the women, too! Take that backburners.
Mr. Am/Pm
over 15 years ago
Blue Engie for the sexiest video game character!
over 15 years ago
Haha great, no love for sniper... he doesnt deserve it... fricken snipers
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