What people are saying about ""Soon""
about 14 years ago
@Lemur Zombie: If you need the editor to make it worth playing, it's not a good game.
Lemur Zombie
over 15 years ago
@ jows
You can saw that most games are a rehash of previous ones. All fps are shooting at things etc. The fact is it's heavily improved. You can even make a fps game out of the map editor.
Bill Loordes
over 15 years ago
Awesome video. I personally want to see unit formations. Sick of having carple tunnel micro-ing my zerg rush.
over 15 years ago
what part of starcraft 2 is supposed to be amazing? the fact that it's a cheap rehash, or the fact that it's game design was obsolete years ago
over 15 years ago
Like Jarate? Those Spies won't know what hit them until their dripping with it.
over 15 years ago
Meh, Blizzard loves whoring out its games for money...see what they've done to WoW...and they are still selling the original Diablo!FFS!
At least it seems that they did a gooj job on with StarCraft...it seems...let's hope that it doesn't turn out an epic money sucker...
over 15 years ago
The thing I'm most excited about for SC2 are the FREAKING AWESOME CUSTOM MAPS!!
Can you imagine what kind of awesomeness is going to be made with all these new units? I hope they keep the Terran April fools joke as a custom unit...that would be freaking epic.
Sgt Crise
over 15 years ago
Check this out it's unbelievable. Nova's back!
over 15 years ago
Do I sense the return of Drone-tan and a Starcraft arc in the near future?
Because I don't know about you guys, but I fucking love minerals.
over 15 years ago
SCII is getting pseudoLAN.
http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/94135-StarCraft-II-Will-Have-LAN-After-All-Almost If it's a LAN party on a small home connection, it just means you have to faff around for 20 minutes getting everyone to make that initial connection.
over 15 years ago
Yea activision was such a good company that when the merger was announced half the old school blizzard staff got up and left out of excitement. MY guess is theres going to be some kind of monthly fee to play SC2 now.
over 15 years ago
What Blizzard should have done is if you have internet connection when you get this game you get access to extra download to install the lan. so you need a legit version to get the lan. like sims 3 way of doing it. get game for real get all the content downloaded.
over 15 years ago
Just a reminder that some of us are boycotting it until they add LAN play back in. Still excited though.
over 15 years ago
Since when was Activision a "sell out" company? They make great shit too. Better than a Blizz-EA merger.
Sgt Crise
over 15 years ago
You totally have to make another comics with Nova. Because we all have been waiting for Ghost and we all hate Blizzard for suspending (not canceling! hear no evil!) it ;_;
over 15 years ago
Yay, SC II fan =) Gonna be Epic I hope .
Unfortunatly, can't think the same way as you. Can't wait the game to be release
over 15 years ago
Yeah, I don't think Nerfnow is supposed to be a TF2 only comic. I liked the Starcraft arc.
over 15 years ago
Fun fact; Jo plays games OTHER than TF2, and if that doesn't apply to you, something is wrong here.
over 15 years ago
I cant help but feel its going to be a let down. Blizzard has become such a sellout machine since it merged with that sellout company, and half the employees quit.
Hayberder or no Hayberder that's the question ain't it ?
over 15 years ago
I doubt the many many many many Tf2 players actually care about Starcraft