What people are saying about "Still Go Face"
Still Go Face
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about 9 years ago
An issue with the deck slots idea is that it needs to be aesthetically designed in a way that a second page would be intuitive regardless of skill level. But if tavern brawl from 2 weeks ago is any indication, most players don't really pay any attention to ANYTHING but face.
about 9 years ago
If it can be of any help to anyone, I use the Hearthstone Deck Tracker,
which, aside from allowing you to add a good deal of useful info to the Hearthsone interface, pretty much solves the 9 deck slot problem, since you can save decks within the program and it has a scipt to export them.
about 9 years ago
This will obviously fail because hunterds are too dumb to know how to read.
Corey Lo
about 9 years ago
I think it's called taunting up.
But to be honest, I feel like hunters have gone a little weak with the addition to things like Reno Jackson
about 9 years ago
@Zacsi: Face hunters are pretty weak nowadays. Paladins (both midrange and secret) are all the rage.
about 9 years ago
@Troqu: Good for you :D.
about 9 years ago
@EnragedFilia: And here's me, still not even having all of the basic cards for half the decks because i only play like once a month. I don't even understand what most people are talking about when it comes to Hearthstone. (and my horrible w/l rate shows it off >.> )
about 9 years ago
@Zacsi: I don't know. With zoolock I can manage a pretty good winrate against secret paladin. The only aggressive decks that I tend to have trouble with (from memory, not statistics) are mechmage and zoolock better than mine. Slower opponents (handlock, control warrior) are much harder to deal with.
about 9 years ago
And ofcourse the biggest problem with these decks is the only way to reliably win is to SPECIFICALLY build your deck around them. So everyone just plays them to get ladder. I don't fault them for it but Blizzard really just needs to put the hammer down more often on the on op shit like this.
about 9 years ago
I don't really run into a lot of facehunters nowadays. The most played are: Rampdruid, since FoN+SR is still the "you instantly lost as soon as I draw it" combo.
Patron is still viable since now they have even more draw from not needing warsong.
And ofcourse LoLadins that just vomit secrets at you
about 9 years ago
nice meme
about 9 years ago
Blizzard deck slots was a complaint since beta and cannot be too hard to implement, just make a second page! You have like 7 inventory tabs in diablo, you have a ton in wow I bet, but you cant give the card game more deck slots? Fuck you.
about 9 years ago
@Ket: I never noticed that! :O
about 9 years ago
@Yukisuna: That sounds like a brilliant idea!

Do it Jo!
about 9 years ago
Grinding for gold to get the so-called adventure packs is still tedious as hell though.
about 9 years ago
Jo, you should try Undertale! I would LOVE to see some comics about that! (And i think you might like the game)
about 9 years ago
Only thing they screwed up with it IMO is that you can't do it from the Shop area. It has to be done via the Solo Adventures menu option.
about 9 years ago
@Guamo Luna: Yup, they're 700 per wing if you pay in gold. It's dang nice since not everyone wants to pay RL money for digital stuff (especially when it comes to like $20-25 for one adventure in the form of digital cards). Just finished Naxx finally via this route last week.
about 9 years ago
Regarding deck slots... Has the deck area always had a slider bar? It can display all nine at once, but has a blank unusable slot below them.
Maybe they're planning to add more slots as a buyable feature?
about 9 years ago
Also, thanks to Reno, the scourge of face hunter has kind of died down a little bit (not much) so the rest of us can have some semblance of fun.
about 9 years ago
@Darth Kaas You can buy the adventures with gold? I had no idea
about 9 years ago
@ArteAlen: I have most branches of all 3 adventures because I save my gold from all the daily quests to get them. Takes about 2 weeks per branch though.
about 9 years ago
And ill be here with 0 adventures because i'm f2p :<