What people are saying about "High Priority Queue"
High Priority Queue
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about 9 years ago
That bot reminds me of myself when I go mid. I normally play support, but challenges dictate I either play mid or huddle near the midlaner and deny for the first 3 minutes.
about 9 years ago
Once you have tried Abathur and Murky (Heroes of the Storm), you won't be going back to Dota 2.
Try it! :D
about 9 years ago
Which is funny, but not what speculation means.
about 9 years ago
Yeah, I know. Dumb fuck comparison, but s'cool.
Internets and all that.
Go on about how HotS isn't a MOBA.
Totally invested in that distinction.
about 9 years ago
ZLOiOtaku#2144 =)
about 9 years ago
@Shadowfury: Kandy King Muradin says hi!
about 9 years ago
@Beretta249: Time to work on your comprehension pal. He said that comparing Dota to Hots is as insane as comparing TF2 to Brink. Not once he compared Dota to Brink.
And Hots it's an easier, colourful A-RTS mostly aimed at Blizzard fans. The game doesn't have the mechanincs of the genre.
about 9 years ago
HotS is also no thousand-item catalog which allows you the freedom of choosing the same items everyone else does.
HotS is also no Last Hitting.
Why anyone would compare DotA to Brink is beyond me, but whatever.
about 9 years ago
Saying that DotA and HotS are the same thing is like saying that TF2 and Brink are the same thing.
about 9 years ago
HotS may be the same game type, but the mechanics are completely different.
The minions will enter formation on their own, turrets have limited ammo, garrisons shoot ice projectiles that slow you down, not to mention that every map has an objective mechanic on it.
about 9 years ago
Technically High Priority is where you go when someone fails to load in, that's how the system allows you to find another match instantly.
about 9 years ago
Also, less silly cosmetics in dota? What? The Fuck? What are you smoking m8? As far as I know neither blizzard or riot have an entire marketplace for their players to speculate on their games' cosmetics (among other things). It's like saying CS:GO is the shooter with less silly cosmetics, lmao.
about 9 years ago
They really need to do a stat squish sometime with Diablo. The damage numbers are rather ludicrous.
about 9 years ago
The most damage you can inflict with a critical hit doesn't really matter. A build with less burst can be actually inflicting more dps than another one with more burst. The actually good indicator of your build's quality is the highest GR level you can solo, not very high after seeing your profile!
about 9 years ago
WOW, millions?! billions?! ... I need to train my crusader....
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago
Pair up with ability reducing cooldowns when rage is spent...

My barbarian now stomps and jumps around like Super Mario which near-instantly gets his rage back. This lets him spam an ability which quickly uses all his rage and lets him keep jumping. It feels like I'm playing the wrong game.
about 9 years ago
re: diablo 3 crazyness.
Created a Barbarian about two weeks ago. At some point found low-level boots which let me triple jump. Later found a belt which made avalanches when you ground-stomped. Later again noticed that a set item for the barbarian made earthquakes happen every time you landed...
about 9 years ago
Paying for mobas, why would you ever do this?
about 9 years ago
Less silly cosmetics, well that's not fair, I'm one of the few that have my mustachioed Maiden, Neko Drow, Jester Rubick and have a friend that has the Alpine Ursa.

One three all for sure have is a silly cosmetic from time to time.