What people are saying about "Good Game"
Good Game
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about 9 years ago
What's... High priority queue?
about 9 years ago
Goes to prove one thing. Inafune is to Megaman what Qwark is to Ratchet and Clank. All talk and no action.
I loved the hell out of Xcom Enemy Unknown. Gonna pre-order the second too. Thank you 2K for nout putting an abusive price for us poor brazillian souls.
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
about 9 years ago
I have laughed at this comic so hard! I haven't laughed like this in many month.
Jo, this was fantastic! Thanks man!
about 9 years ago
Mighty nr 9 looks like this generation Duke Nukem Forever :<
about 9 years ago
... Y'know, I think he might not like Mighty no 9...
about 9 years ago
@GoGoGadgetPanda Yeah, it got pushed back AGAIN. That's the third time now, I think. Honestly, at this point, my enthusiasm for the game is pretty much dead. It's not even that it's a long production schedule, as I'm still hyped as hell for Rain World and You Are Not the Hero. It's the lies.
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago
Hasn't Mighty No. 9 been pushed back to an uncertain date again anyways? I remember reading about another delay a few days ago.
about 9 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks the guy in the first panel looks like TeamFourStar's let's play avatar for Fallout 4?
about 9 years ago
And the moment Gabe wants to leave he uses the wrong door and has to go trough the EloHell.
about 9 years ago
I'm a little worried for Mighty No. 9 after the demo copy came out, the total lack of mouth movement is really weird to me. But stillanxious for the final version, so we'll see how it goes.