What people are saying about "Critical Damage"
Critical Damage
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about 9 years ago
If it was the one that hit Porto Alegre, yeah, that was an ugly storm.
about 9 years ago
Ah the supercell, from what we heard here in Paraná, I guess you got lucky power stayed down for just 48 hours, there were reports of people without electricity for 72+ hours.
about 9 years ago
I like big numbers and I cannot lie.
about 9 years ago
I think there is an "act of god" clause in most update schedules.
about 9 years ago
Hey Jo,
I always wanted to ask something; how safe is your part of the country? Because I have heard a lot of news articles/stories about gangs, drug cartels and low public safety in Brazil. Are you in a wealthy, or remote area? Only answer if you don't find the question too personal of course.
about 9 years ago
My Tal Wizard who hands out Billion Crits like candy, and dies often shamefully raises hand too...
about 9 years ago
I like how Jane looks guilty. "I can't troll HER now!"
about 9 years ago
I love how you took my previous comment and made it into a strip <3
about 9 years ago
yeah natural disaster suck. i remember when my city got 7.6 Richter scale earth quake in 2009, we got a whole mouth without electricity, and yep it totally suck.
about 9 years ago
As an earthquake barb with lots of damage increase to my secondary attack, I can crit for over 2 billion, more than 5 billion with the rift channeling boost whatever it is called.
about 9 years ago
As an Invoker build Crusader, I must agree with Morgan. Who cares about critical damage?

However, unlike James, I don't wait for enemies to break themselves upon me, I bring the pain to them with my 150 million damage left clicks!!
about 9 years ago
TentaJo! You're back!
about 9 years ago
At first glance on my phone off twitter, I actually thought this was a slap my hand comic.
about 9 years ago
It's not about the clear speed, it's about the e-peen from boasting about how big your crits are. Or so they say.
about 9 years ago
Mother Nature she'll getchya. Don't get got, Jo.
James Costanzo
about 9 years ago
Or you're a Crusader and have 200k thorns and just let the enemies BREAK THEMSELVES UPON YOU.
about 9 years ago
Jo lives in Porto Alegre?
about 9 years ago
Oh he's still around!
Shikiko Nakamura
about 9 years ago
I have CRITICALED the comments section , and I love our comics and art 8)