What people are saying about "Undertale"
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about 9 years ago
I dont get it, I see pacifist on the google results, but you guys say genocide run, arent those opposite?, without knowing undertale I would have gone with Jane being so pro that she's looking for faqs for the most hardcore of runs that can be done in the game which is not so "stuck" as it seems
about 9 years ago
The first time I fought Undyne I kept challenging her because I thought that was the solution. I died 3 times before even thinking to run away.
about 9 years ago
I went in to u dertale with no Spoilers.
None. Except the "Nobody has to die" rule.
Which is why Undyne stumped me, hard.
Again, the solution is contrary to traditional RPG mechanics. So I had to use 1 guide just to preserve my run.
about 9 years ago
Jo, please BLUR OUT THOSE SPOILERS and put something that says "[SPOILER]" over it instead! Some of your readers probably haven't played Undertale, believe it or not. It'd be better not to accidentally spoil THEM while making a joke about spoilers! D:
about 9 years ago
Like you never read a NintendoPower, Morgan!
about 9 years ago
Hey Jo!
If you will create a XCOM2 team with your girls, will you stream? I would love to watch author of my favorite webcomic leads team of his daughters to Victory!
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago
@Cramps: It did for me. I'd never tried the Run option before cause I could always Spare everything, so I tried that. Not only could I leave the fight, I could actively flee from Undyne, which let me non-violence the encounter B)
about 9 years ago
Baby steps, Morgan, baby steps...
about 9 years ago
Make Morgan or jane a sniper and the scoutlike charactor.
Oh I can see the pain
So jane is bad at games?
about 9 years ago
@Malygon: The best result to that search would be "git gud scrub", since that's pretty much what it boils down to. (Same for the final boss in genocide.)
about 9 years ago
Putting the girls into XCOM 2 sounds like a recipe for tears. And/or lots of savescumming.
about 9 years ago
@Cramps: I think in my first run, I figured out Undyne after the third cycle.

Asgore was the only thing I needed to look up on my first run. I went in only knowing the tagline on Steam: "UNDERTALE! The RPG game where you don't have to destroy anyone." so I didn't make any of the common mistakes.
about 9 years ago
@kirie'Mal Nar Idenna Jane caught her finishing a genocide run in the last undertale comic though, so that can't be it.
about 9 years ago
@xkcd_386: trying to run away at the start doesn't work though. Need to wait a few turns and when the chance comes a lot of people forget to try running again.

Besides, it works on Asgore and the Carrots.
about 9 years ago
@Kirie That was my second guess.
about 9 years ago
"Bought XCom 2... Probably will make a team named after all my girls."

So what'll you name the team that replaces them after that one gets turned into chunky red salsa?
about 9 years ago
Lets play some Helldivers!
about 9 years ago
Ehmm... Did no one else think that probably Morgan isn't sad because of the spoilers, she's just sad because Jane's going the genocidal route. I mean come on everyone knows undertale is at it's best when you try to avoid killing things, and there is Jane, of course, as allways, with her mentality.
about 9 years ago
Hell, I done exact same thing. Was carefully watching video, and was like "You are supposed to RUN AWAY? Whaaaat."
Jane did nothing wrong!
about 9 years ago
@Cramps What do you mean "doesn't work"? You don't need to fight her, as in, hit her, unless you are on Killy-Stabby route.
about 9 years ago
@Jake'm trying everything before fighting doesn't work on Undyne though. I fine with fighting everything if they give me trouble. Not my first choice and never to the death but I gladly start slapping Papyrus around while I wait :)
about 9 years ago
I think people here are missing the point(s). Searching for help on the net risks:
1. spoilers
2. first experience riddance
about 9 years ago
I'm not surprised by that. A few of the encounters in Undertale aren't as straightforward as you'd expect. The only reason I got past everything without FAQs until Asgore was because I was willing to try every other option before resorting to Fighting.
about 9 years ago
If Morgan is worried about spoilers, she should have helped Jane herself.
Because I know EXACTLY why Jane is stuck. It would take only a couple of seconds to explain and Jane would be on her way.
about 9 years ago
@Erik Yin Tell that to everyone WHO HAD THE POWER! NINTENDO POWER!
about 9 years ago
@Emtu: that's exactly what the point. Nowadays games depend on the internet (and tutorial). Games in the '90s doesn't got tutorial mode, or the internet to guide you. So there are now 2 kind of people.
about 9 years ago
Exactly the wrong way to play Undertale :(
about 9 years ago
I got stuck here.
Why would you do this in a battle anyway?
about 9 years ago
I think the main point is that every major critic stated that one of the main appeals of Undertale came from the unexpected twists, so looking at a guide for the game would be doubly spoilerrific.Or maybe I'm completely misreading the scene. Eh. *Shrug*
about 9 years ago
@Emtu Yeah the joke would've been more funny if the Google search was "How to beat undyne genocide" @Joe Name an X-Com 2 team after your girls? You know the names of your very first team will most likely end up on tombstones?
about 9 years ago
There's nothing wrong with looking for help when you get stuck. Hell, I had to look up how to finish Asgore. (I also had to look up the event immediately after that fight, for obvious reason.)