What people are saying about "End of the World"
End of the World
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almost 14 years ago
@Cooper Clune: i concure with this tatement
over 14 years ago
The world doesnt end! it simply transfers to a new item, the enchant mats! which are enchanted onto another item, merging worlds, which are then disenchanted elsewhere
over 14 years ago
Wow, that's almost as bad as the zerg-tan arc. That made me want to go massacre Space Marines.
over 14 years ago
Lol Disgaea and WoW , 2 of my favorite games in 1 comic :D
over 15 years ago
lol classic, this is going to be my new PSP background as I get back to enjoying the burning grind of Disgaea 2
itch !
over 15 years ago
HAHAHA. Nice one putting disgaea in an item lol
over 15 years ago
Yay, Disgaea! :3
Mouse chu Mouse
over 15 years ago
I got my Halo hat e-e
[eniGma] The Knife
over 15 years ago
Haha! I knew they were gonna add a reward for never having idled from the stuff I was hearing. Only people that should be angry are the people losing their hats--I.E. Idlers, who shouldn't have idled to begin with.
lol valve
over 15 years ago
Now the only way to circumvent the timesink bullshit for hats by "playing" the game when you had to do other things is gone. Just wait for the next update where it will start costing $10 a month to play with "premium" content like new hats, maps besides 2fort, and items. :D
over 15 years ago
Everything dynamic and very positively! :)
Thank you
Rare DEADLY Spy Crab
over 15 years ago
More TF2 comics, plz?
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Behold, the afformentioned idler punishment is upon us. www.teamfortress.com
over 15 years ago
Disgaea + Wow = win
over 15 years ago
Yeah, finally got some nerfnow ecchi pictures.
over 15 years ago

over 15 years ago
Ooo! ooo! More Disgaea comics! Do a Disgaea arc! :D
Don't be afraid because of the turn out with your one WoW page. D:
over 15 years ago
Its funny because I know about the fighting in the items thing with Disgaea, and I know about the disenchant with WoW but I couldn't put the two together for some reason.

I didn't play the one with the flat chested blonde girl so I thought maybe it was something to do with that game.
over 15 years ago
This one took me a minute of puzzle, but then it was hilarious.
over 15 years ago
Thanks for the explantation Protip, Since I don't play Warcraft I guess I learned something today..
over 15 years ago
Explanation for nooblets, in disgaea in order to power up items you more or less fight a bunch of battles inside the item. So if I want good equipment I have to fight around 100 rounds in the item itself. World of warcraft disenchants items for the raw materials...those monsters...
genocide of item civilians
over 15 years ago
and thus thousands die in the item world due to disenchanting trolls
over 15 years ago
phorth is epic for the "of warcraft" pun.
over 15 years ago
Man, I just spent like an hour disenchanting stuff last night. Now I feel like a monster.
over 15 years ago
Wisknot: No, the residents of item worlds are alive. Perhaps you're mixing it up with Phantom Brave?
over 15 years ago
A moment later Horton the Elephant stomped him flat.
over 15 years ago
I saw what you did there immediately. Disgaea kicks ass.

ALSO NOTE: I heard that those cheat warnings were related to the auto unlocking programs, NOT idling. I'll have to ask where they got that info, though.
over 15 years ago
@Ender's "Yo dawg, we heard you like..." photonote: What?
@Phorth's "of Warcraft" photonote: I wish. >_>
@Explanations: Disgaea. That isn't the game in which dead players inhabit your items is it? >_>
over 15 years ago
Peoples that don't get it: Disgaea has "item worlds" where you go inside an item and kick the shit out of the people living in the item to grind up the item's stats. If you break down the item with disenchant, what happens to all the people in it? =P
over 15 years ago
@Ender, yeah you right, I mean that stinking ol troll is making an item from using the Item World.
Talk about crossover man :)
over 15 years ago
Ah Disgaea. How I miss thee.
over 15 years ago
I don't get it.
over 15 years ago
LOL. This comic is just perfect. Disgaea. <3

Also, her sleaves are green. You can even clearly see her hand down there.
over 15 years ago
Great, now I'll feel guilty when I play disgaea
Or I can just move the residents to other items?
over 15 years ago
It's a boob.  Remember, in Disgaea, Magic Knights have ridiculous chests.
over 15 years ago
It's not a pixie boob, it's a sleeve.
over 15 years ago
If that pixie's boob was any lower, i would say she was pregnate.
over 15 years ago
I have to be honest here, I didn't understand any of this
over 15 years ago
A Disgaea reference? In MAH nerfnow? It's more likely than you think...
Also, @ColdCedric, he is disenchanting the item, and therefore the World inside of it. So it is logical that everything is disappearing.
over 15 years ago
AHHH! NOO THE ITEM WORLD!! Yes... Disgaea reference FTW
over 15 years ago
omg hes disenchanting the world!1111111111111
over 15 years ago
For people who don't get the tf2 thing: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=953306
over 15 years ago
Yanno, it doesn't refer to the idling thing in the steam updates.  It say "illegitamente methods", which could be anything.
over 15 years ago
So where did you get the idea valve might do soemthing to prevent idling soon? Just wondering, another guy asked WHAT they are but not where you heard this so yeah.
over 15 years ago
I... don't get it. I thought it had something to do with disenchanting as in making something mundane or shed the illusions, but it doesn't make much sense given the context.
over 15 years ago
WHAT!? A Disgaea reference!? :head explodes from pure awesome:
over 15 years ago
I doubt valve will do anything.
Final Guard
over 15 years ago
NIce disgaea reference!  Does this mean everytime I trash something in an rpg, I'm commiting genocide?
over 15 years ago
omg i will never diss anything anymore
over 15 years ago
I'm guessing it must be the World of Warcraft: Cataclysim or that it is Disgaea which somehow began to disappear becuase of the Troll's disenchantment which probably destroys another world
over 15 years ago
What's Valve doing for idling?
over 15 years ago
anybody else not quite getting this?
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
How depressing... So many worlds lost