What people are saying about "Family Business"
Family Business
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about 9 years ago
the way i see it, stun lancers are better chryssalids than the chryssalids.
about 9 years ago
Yeah, Stun Lancers were pretty much the bane of my first few hours of gameplay and responsible for some of my earliest knockouts/deaths. Even when they're predictable, they are so hard to take down before they close in and it is hard to gauge how far they can hit you from.
about 9 years ago
Stun lancers can be pretty brutal. Oddly enough, the saving grace is that they're often a bit too trigger happy on their stun rod as opposed to using their gun, if you're ready for them you can catch them in overwatch fire more regularly than other enemies.
about 9 years ago
The first guy is from half life and the other one is from command and conquer?
No wait, you have been playing alot of xcom, and apparently the stun lancer has a single....glass thing mask? I never see their face I just see the "TAKE 8 DAMAGE FROM SPRINTING 20 F******* TILES AWAY!"
about 9 years ago
@Geoffrey Howe: Same thing here. Ran across the whole map and knocked out my best soldier. I think they are worse than Mutons.
about 9 years ago
'Now head out into the field so a soldier with a high stat can shove a blade through your skull and hack your brain for information! Or get outdone in your field, blown up, etc. Your generation has it rough, the most I'm going to suffer is a white-hot metal rod pinning me to a wall via my balls.'
about 9 years ago
@Shellhit: The very first time I met one of these guys, their very first hit scored an Unconcious proc. Needless to say, I didn't have my revival protocol just yet.

It was a pretty threatening first meeting.
about 9 years ago
I love how those guys are considered non-lethal in lore while doing more damage than freaking railguns.
about 9 years ago
I claim this Armor, unless someone intervenes?
about 9 years ago
Turn 1: Yeah, the guy with a stick, I am not impressed at all
Turn 2: Oh my god stop why
about 9 years ago
my god these guys are table-flippingly infuriating at times.

thats ok. i didnt need my grenadier.
Ewgenij Belzmann
about 9 years ago
@Candy Squirrel: That's an enemy unit, not player unit. You can equip your own guys (though there are some limitations, depending on class).
about 9 years ago
Unit ? In X-com ? You don't equip your soldiers with whatever you want anymore ? God, what happened to the series ...
about 9 years ago
Because you too can look like a horrible alien/human hybrid underneath.
Donate your genetic material to your local alien totalitarian government today!
about 9 years ago
The one to the right is a new unit from xcom 2, the stun lancer. Average health but it's equipped with a stun blade which may disable one of your soldiers for a whole mission. VERY fearsome.
about 9 years ago
XCom 2?
about 9 years ago
I don't get it. Left one is combine from HL2, who is on the right ?
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago