What people are saying about "Hacking"
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about 9 years ago
Given that the aliens took over Earth 20 years before the events of the game, I suspect that a vast majority of the soldiers you employ during the course of the campaign grew up using alien computers.
about 9 years ago
Did you hear? You can skip the long flights back in Xcom by hitting Caps Lock
about 9 years ago
That's actually an advanced passowrd. It's 1 2 3 4 ... with spaces between numbers!
about 9 years ago
@META_mahn: meh, I don't think that specialists oneshotting mechs and turrets with their tier 1 ability or psykers spamming null lances and void rifts just for the hell of it fall that far behind. Also, stasis is so broken.
about 9 years ago
Loving the XCOM 2 comics. Keep them coming.
about 9 years ago
I was going to make the Spaceballs luggage password joke, but the photo notes beat me to it. *sniff* I'm proud of you, Nerf Now!! readers. So very proud.
about 9 years ago
Say, you haven't had any problems with frame drop Jo? I've got an GTX 960 and I can't even run on high without serious FPS drops. I'm trying to defrag the game now.
Andrew Travis Plumb
about 9 years ago
It's 'a species', not 'an species'.
about 9 years ago
Ha! I loved your team Jo.
about 9 years ago
Guess all that modification leaves Advent troops brains lacking when not directly controlled.

And all of a sudden I find myself wanting to see your girls as Xcom soldiers.
about 9 years ago
I love the fact that in "Firewatch" every cache has the code 1234. And yes, they play it straight.
Btw, will we get a Firewatch comic Jo?
about 9 years ago
@Frid Yeah, the action economies in this XCOM game seem nuts. Rangers get resets? Snipers get to shoot for as many times as they want, so long as they get kills? And they get to shoot their pistol 3, 4 times a turn? It's pretty nuts.
about 9 years ago
@META_mahn: just rush psionics, makes full squad and dominate everything. They are like grenadier-specialist hybrids that don't run out of items.
about 9 years ago
I've barely set a foot into XCOM 2 and I'm already trying to min-max all my characters and classes.