What people are saying about "Effort And Dedication"
Effort And Dedication
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about 9 years ago
You forgot the working video cellphone in minecraft =D
about 9 years ago
And Dragon's Dogma is good. It's the best of two worlds, those worlds being Skyrim and Demon's Souls. There's no engineer sadly. Three variation of warrior, three variations of thief, and three variations of mage.
about 9 years ago
Finished already? Wow, I'm not even halfway XD
Performance issues are worldwide then.Firaxis said there's no plan to port Xcom to console to focus on PC development, honestly the game runs like a bad port. It's capped on 30 FPS to me for example. Luckily TBS doesn't need smooth frames to be good.
about 9 years ago
angie pawn? even if her skills and her disposition is bad you will be drowning in rift crystals.
about 9 years ago
about 9 years ago
Knowing that someday one of your roommates will do the dishes... it fills you with determination.
about 9 years ago
@The14th: Much sadness is to be had :C
about 9 years ago
If there was sandbox open world game called "The Dishes" with a good story, character progression, co-op, achievements, player made economy, crafting and DLC then I would play it but the ones in the kitchen I do on bi-weekly basis.
about 9 years ago
@ckay11002: Word-of-Jo is he will not use her anymore as he didn't make that character.
about 9 years ago
Just FYI using Caps Lock will reduce Xcom end of mission load times to only a few seconds.
about 9 years ago
After years of not seeing her, I'm still waiting for the Orange-haired Engie-tan to make a reappearance.
about 9 years ago
Pawn Name Search: AngieTheEngie (refresh) Damn. (refresh) Damn. (refresh) Wait.. no. Damn.
about 9 years ago
Ruben, is this the first page of the entire comic you've ever seen?
about 9 years ago
You are the engineer, make a dish washer out of a water sprinkler, a aquarium and a shower head!
about 9 years ago
No Engineers. Only warriors with BFSwords.