But yeah, fuck the lancers for the first half of the game. If I got nuthin' else planned, I usually have my Specialist go for the dashing Skullfuck and drain his delicious Intel fluids.
But at endgame, I usually take out his cover shredding whatever he's escorting, then finish him off with pistol.
And I'm nearly at the end, seeing as I got one blacksite and a thing I'm not going to spoil that tells me I need to finish all other research before I can research that one, but I'm also a writer for UFOpaedia.com-- well, I would be if the spambots hadn't wrecked the site. XP
Ha, I got lucky: managed to hack control of the first Sectopod, then made it fight the other in the next round.
And lemme tell ya, there's nothing like having two Metal Gears waltz through an ADVENT backsite in High Profile stance.
Open with a rupture from your grenadier... follow with the sniper, at high elevation, using EMP rounds. 85% chance to deadeye (assuming s.scope). Yeah... two shots, dead sectopod.
@Jordan Claflin: it also helps to skulljack liberally. They provide some of the best rewards, including avatar facility leads and the coveted +20 hacking score
@Jo Pereira: A quick tip I learned about after failing my first campaign: Specialists will gain 5 to their tech score after every mission where they attempted a hack. If you start with those control towers early whenever you feel you can risk it you'll get a hacking god by the end of the campaign.
Man, Hack That Shit.
First Sectopod I met, I hacked it, took control, and turned it against it's allies. Killed 2, wounded 2, and when the hack wore off I was in position to shred it's armor, Attack Protocol with my Specialists, and finish with a Sharpshooter round through it's Robo Brain.
@Jeffrey Gassenheimer: to answer your question, normal stun lancers aren't so bad, ELITE stun lancers are hell on earth. They move further, hit harder, crit more, can graze shots, more HP, and get to attack before bladestorm goes off (though that may be a bug).
Funny thing actually, I never actually seen how a Sectopod attack looks like in xcom 2 yet with around 40~ hours of play. Whenever I ran into them I was "NOPE" and just focused it down with everything and took the attacks from the smaller shit.
Brandon Draca Worsham
about 9 years ago
Sectopods, A pain in the butt, unless you got a hacker with a really high hack score, then they are your best friend.
Also easiest way to deal with them, shredder cannons and grenades.
think the worst enemy is the damn Chryssalids, with out a blade storm they are leathal.
I think the most annoying enemy in the game were the burrowed Chryssalids. Unburrowing and attacking during the middle of your turn is about as unfair and unfun as it can get, considering you can't afford to throw battle scanners all over the map. Sectopods can be prepared against easier.
Sectopods are always a bit of a "OMGWTF" the first time they appear. Then you get used to them. Expect them. Plan around them. Game's kinda dull when they're not around. :D
sectopods aint that bad. then again, i am playing on rookie cuz im...well...an xcom rookie, and a pussy at that. i dont think the effectiveness of shredder, AP rounds, explosives and hacking goes down, tho.
For me, the worst enemies were advanced troopers. I had no upgraded gear when they appeared and their grenades hurt like hell and blew up my cover to boot. Stun lancers are manageable with untouchable bladestorm ranger, while sectopods had to face AP rounds, magus and colonel hacker specialist.
I don't understand the hate against stun lancers, they have never done anything serious to me, the ai always prioritizes the lance which leaves them super open for all kinds of overwatches, and given my play style they always either hit armor or miss
@Jacob Hansen: I have a support with all hack upgrades and a couple +20 hacking unlocks... Introducing ayys to their own FRIENDSHIP BEAM is so much fun!
...continued from before. If hacking fails or is not possible, Grenadier with Rupture (or whatever that +3 damage for rest of round ability is called), a few grenades for armor break and followed by a Pistol Specced Colononel Sniper firing five shots should bring it down.
My way of dealing with Sectopods: Colonel Specialist with Skulljack (upgraded with Skullmine for extra hacking) = between 60-80% chance of stunning the Sectopod for 2-3 rounds with Haywire Protocol. Pick it off at you leisure. Altenatively...
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