To me legion commander jungle, is as much as good as an ench and close to an enigma, with less push power early on but way better ganking one after mn 6, while being easier to play and having impressive scalling, also she is still stronger than every carry jungler, so why the hate ?
Or maybe those people unable to understand the hero, going for silly skill builds, like not maxing 1 at level 7-8 or putting more than one point in heal early on, but bad items or sill builds are not about the hero being bad jungler, but players being bad with the hero.
All in all I just can't understand the hate around this hero going jungle, unless you're talking about begginers going for terrible item builds like midas, shadow blade, armlet, because you simply can't gank with that and waist most of the hero power by missing duels.
Most junglers can't do much before 6mn after all, legion is not really worse and when you get your blink, you're basically a second midlaner in term of experience and ganking power, unless you don't have to farm items since blink+blademail is all you need and you can non-stop gank with a low cd ult.
At the time you got your blink there's no more reason to stay in the jungle so you can gank a lot and get some duels easily, then you buy a blademail, usually around the 12mn mark and can start picking solo duels all around. In the end you only left your team alone for 6mn
Going jungle is both easy and rewarding, go for a 2/1/2 or 3/1/2 build and gank the mid or safe lane minute 6 with your duel then get a blink (not a shadow blade it's terrible on her) around 8-10 mn, at lvl 8 your first skill should be maxed, which is not much different from maxing it lvl 7 in lane
I'm only playing a bit under 4k mmr so i might be to low to understand the hate but I played legion commander jungler on more than 50 games with a 60% win rate, the few times I played her mid or offlane I felt useless and I think i lost every time, although I won some as a safe lane carry.
2nd skill is the last to max, 1 point of it is enough for jungling. 3rd skill helps winning duels and 1st skill helps harrasing and pushing, those should get priorities.
IMO most people do it wrong by maxing "press the attack" you should only get one point of it, and the reguarding of game if you are going for sb,blademail,armlet you better focus on uping 3rd skill, if by any chance you see you might not win duel you are better of uping 1st skill. but whatsoever
The problem with jungle LC isn't the build itself, but what it asks of your team.
A jungling LC isn't a WK, Axe, or Enigma that can join up teamfights and even so, you need a solo hardlaner that can handle well......being the hard lane bitch.
if you're jungling LC it does work... But you really need to gank hard and often. Building those stacks is what makes LC great after all. Toss in a blink dagger or shadow blade (can't remember full name) and full tank to wreck face
I had a game recently with a jungling LC. She wasn't able to do much during the early game, but with a bit of help from the supports (Myself and another kind soul) we were able to help her get wins and let her snowball from there. It was decent, but not optimal.
Andrew Tate
about 9 years ago
Honestly, its not effective. You are easily stopped during jungle, and provide nothing for your team even in mid game, for you dont level your arrows. Assuming you have blink, by late game you just might make an impact if your team survives the 4v5.
Lc can work in the jungle its just not optimal.
I played a game last night and the end of the game the jungle l was way under leveled and won, mostley becaus be had a pa that won mid hard.
I like LC, one of my facourites characters in the game. But jungling? Not my thing. I'd very much rather hoard XP in solo-off or mid, and then gank the hell out of people with duel. Lion, Zeus, Leshrac or any other early game nuker is LC's best friend.
Given you got cooperative teammates...
I often play the hard support position as Dazzle, he's my favourite support. :P There's a few reasons why I do it, usually because no-one else does, but also because it can be fun, and I'm often not good enough to carry...
3. LC is the bane of pushing comps: you don't even need a lot of farm. Get solo exp from mid or offlane, buy a soul ring, max Overwhelming Odds and nuke the shit out of early pushers. But no, max Moderp of Couherp to survive the jungle with no levels in OO and become a creep with a heal for 50s.
2. It's ridiculously easy to punish: a half-brained support will block most of your camps, get the vision in the ones who aren't blocked and straight up murder you every time you try to farm. I've got so many first bloods as KotL by killing jungle Ursas, N'aix, Bloodcyka, LC, Lycan, etc.
1. If they have 5 laners or 4 laners and a roamer, you're making, at best, one of your lane lose. Worst case they get a decent roamer and all of them are pressured from the beginning.
Not meant to be rude, but picking LC with the intention of jungling, without considering both team picks, doesn't work outside of low mmr pubs. A few reasons:
thx for explanation all! It was very clear.
I knew dota was harder that LoL (and any other similaire moba games). But I didn't knew the asysetric thing.
@Thomas Lewis: Just a little nitpicking. The map isn't symmetrical in LoL either. One side of the map is a rotation from the other side, same(ish) as dota. The key thing is that top and bottom lanes from one side of the map are different so they're rotationally the same as the ones in the other side
Marco Meloni
about 9 years ago
Legion Commander if left unchecked can rush shadowblade in 8 mins, This means a gank in lane with duel at min 9. In pubs, noone will buy a sentry to prevent this. Of course, if you go for midas or even boots before the shadowblade (or blink, situational) while you are in jungle you are basically afk
@Erik Yin: Lane creeps can be pulled into the jungle to be killed by neutrals (effectively denying exp and farm, while allowing supports to kill the neutrals cost effective). In addition, neutral camps can be stacked. Thus the offlaner will typically face both a carry and two supports.
@Erik Yin: In dota, the map is not symmetrical. Your offlaner typically heads to what we refer to as the 'hard' lane, this is top for radiant side, and bot for dire side. These lanes are harder not only because of the tower placement, but also the interaction with the jungle.
..i won't claim than LC-jungle is bad, because lack of gold lack of exp etc etc, i know it well it can go out of control and snowball damn good ^^
But i'd say it's bad when it remove, something that could have had more "impact" on your team potential. (roamer, supp, etc )
..In this setting one spot left,if you pick a carry-type for the jungle(lc-ursa etc) boom 1 support that will sacrifice it's survivability for wards or vice-versa.
Picking another sup at this point would be more wise for tri-lane potential or more harass in a regular dual-lane.
The reason i don't really like a carrylike-jungler, is because most time it lack space in the team
In most game you have this setting :
1) Your Carry + Support
2) Mid
3) Potential solo offlaner
blademail and blink dagger for example or an overall of 5.5k gold before 12 minutes , i wont lane if i don't see there are chances of me killing enemy, i'ld rather go jungle in a safelane against a for ex solo FV whom i know i cant kill there w/ any supp and leave safelane to somebody who needs gold
@Mr. Lemon: was someone else in my team who could solo but not roam or jungle then i'ld better go for jungle. thats true when there are positions left for nobody in lanes you better lane with lc but jungle is quite rewarding for your being able to peacefully farm and get your boots and ...
@Mr. Lemon: for example if i have cm as support for me and enemy team has undying and venomancerin their offlane, i'ld rather solo in that lane to at least get double xp becuz i know with or without help of cm im not gonna get any last hits there and we both might end up dying too much so if there
@Mr. Lemon: if their player know how to play with them it'ld be better for you to go for jungling or roaming and if your team lacks carry you can pick lc.
2.finally the second reason, in the tier i play i sometimes dont want to go to lane as a due or trio with the heroes my team mates have picked
@Mr. Lemon: getting twice the xp, and in a game where yuo are against early puhs strat it would benefit you more if your players gain xp faster than enemy, also some heroes are super fantastic at solo offlane (like phoenix,viper,puck,invoker,etc...)that if there are in your team and
@Mr. Lemon: at first you are right, lc solo mid,offlane or even safelane with a carry is better but i sometimes ratehr jungle for this reasons.
1-overall being able to go jungle or roam in dota is appreciated on most of matches because that allowes someone else in your team to solo in offlane
Yeah it may work, but why go jungle if there are better ways to play her? LC jungle has the lowest winrate out of all, lower than average GPM and XPM, puts your team at a disadvantage, and is easy to counter.
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