This is not a Warcraft 1 movie, it is a movie about the World of Warcraft lore. The story lines in WoW go over this many times from different angles. There have even been a couple retcons and even some honest to god time travel stuff in the lore that seriousely changed stuff. And also novels!
@TacoMan: I don't know, man. Most of the shit Stanley Kubrick did to the story wasn't really part of what made it great. It was the visuals that gave us a good movie. Letting the black caretaker live and using over sized croquet mallets wouldn't have ruined the movie.
I mean, it's an adaptation. It's not going to be exactly like the game, and I wouldn't want it to be exactly like the game. I know the game, I've played it until I've memorized every nook and cranny. I want something new, and they know that people want something new.
they just need to start the first few minutes of the movie with the orcs arriving corrupted, wrecking their shit, and then them being free from the demon's control.
WC3 is where its best at for them to tell a story, otherwise if they use the original it will just be remember as humanvsorcs #53
And the heroes were interesting, I just don't know if I can get behind this new movie. I didn't really get into WoW when I played for 3 months, for free. Still, i kind of miss my draenie paladin. almost.
I like Thrall, I think? He was cool. But yes. Orcs bad. I like bad orcs. But then, I didn't mind Dominic Deegan's shamnistic orcs. So... It's hard to say. But warcraft 3 made humans Too Much, of assholes. :S
It's hard to say, I play WC2 the most and, although I thought WC3 was pretty decent,
Warcraft has been so retconned and just totally rewritten that Warcraft: Orcs and Humans doesn't even have a place in the modern canology anymore. Blizzard should just pull a Disney Star Wars and jettison everything and start over.
@White Rice: With an open enough mind, that film is good even with your brain fully on. I love it. Heck, I showed it to a few classmates last year who are 8-10 years younger than me (community college), and they genuinely enjoyed it. At least until Yoshi showed up, anyway.
Hey, the Mario Bros. movie is a national treasure (for those who enjoy campy, bad movies)
I mean, it was cheesy, some of the props were awkward in how they were presented, and story had nothing to do with any Mario game, but it's still a fun "turn off your brain" movie.
@Alexis Hart: In the letters Tolkien wrote, he admitted that including Tom Bombadil in LotR was a mistake. He was never supposed to impact the story, and that including him raised issues with the plot he later had to dedicate pages to fixing.
He's more important in the Simarillion, but LotR? No.
@Censuur: Sure, I'll agree that changing Faramir was a mistake, but you cannot honestly tell me that including a character that is a club to the knee of narrative timing would have been a good idea. Adaptations are a balancing act, always.
I just want to point out that the movie is being made with Blizzard themselves, and that both the director and one of the actors are huge Warcraft fans, so I have faith in this movie.
Two things to remember. WC1's story was so threadbare, it was cheesecloth. Also, this has to appeal to a much wider audience than the folks who played WC1. They want gryphons!
The Warcraft movie will bomb. The story should have focused on the MMO, have it be a dungeon delve into Original Naxx, with a pretitle of AQ opening event. throw in a BE working with alliance who gets put off they won't help Silvermooon, and a minor character who gets abducted to be a DK in sequel
It's not Warcraft: Orcs and Humans the movie. It's a movie based on the events from that game. It doesn't have to follow the same game mechanics (and limitations), that would be ridiculous. The movie actually seems to try *too* hard to look like the current video games which actually worries me.
Many people forget that there could be no other Warcraft movies if this one sucks. There's so much at stake! And it's only a first trailer, an introduction. Hopefully in next trailers that disturbing lack of zug zug will be fixed.
the humans good orcs bad situation does have one major advantage that helps it but in the world building sense. What the orcs bad situation points out is how much damage the corruption of the burning legion did to them. go from thinking how horrible they are to seeing "oh they is how they used be"
I get the feeling that they made this movie with roots in the classic warcraft, but adjusted it, so to speak, to mesh better with the World of Warcraft game. Plus it's hard to fit everything from the game into a movie time block.
To be fair I'm alright with the orcs being nice... but honestly?
I have a dreadful feeling that not only will they put in a crossed lovers scene and throw in a few "I am baby Jesus" bits, but... I think it will end up as a discount budget version Avatar... but as a fantasy world.
so to be honest the ring from the movies is op as heck while the ring from the novels is more balanced in it has strengths and weaknesses which leads to a better story if you ask me. so ex machina really applies to Jackson's movie more than it does the novels. the author knew what he was doing.
In the movies Jackson tended to let the ring be a master of all things few things it could not do but in the books the ring has some significant flaws despite all it's power. While it infected certainly people fairly quickly others it could not and Bombadill was one of those.
Taco to say that Bombadill had no effect on the plot isn't entirely accurate. Bombadill served to expand the world of Middle-Earth keeping it from being on the more monotone level. What Bombadill also accomplished was to define the ring in the novel, what it could and could not do.
Allright, I'm gonna say this now. The vibe I got from the Warcraft trailer is that it is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT FANTASY WORLD! I get the distinct impression that some writier proposed this movie, got it shot down, and then made some minor tweaks and presented it as a Warcraft movie. I've never playe
I like honorable Orcs. Everywhere else orcs are mindless savage monsters and that just makes for boring characters. And when everyone assumes that, it's no wonder they are pissed.
@Nino Dokoskiot: You might have some rose-tinted glasses here, because the WC3 story wasn't actually that amazing.
In either case, I have hopes in this one because they have a lot riding on it, even if the trailer makes it look very bad.
Mr. Al
about 9 years ago
If people want Humans good, Orcs bad, go watch LotR. I never played the first 2 WC games, but I've played the third one oh so much, even after I stopped playing WoW. Ah WoW, you used to be great for your time, but Blizzard refuses to let you hold a candle to modern standards. It's all GW2 for me now
@Nino Dokoskiot: And yet you forget the storyline in WC3 was only what it was due to the stories it expanded upon, the orcs were interesting because of how they changed from what they used to be. Taking that basis, that foundation away cheapens every subsequent event.
@TacoMan: LotR would be a HELL of a lot better without raping Faramir's character or the retarded crying elf. This Warcraft movie is also a level of abandoning the source material that the only common ground is some names and little else.
I actually disagree with you on this one. I mean, I played the original Warcrafts, and they were cool and all. But WC3 created a great universe with a damn good storyline, so much more than "Human good, Orc bad". Maybe one day they'll make an Orcs Must Die movie, and you'll be happy :)
Would Stanley Kubrick's The Shining have been made the horror classic that it is by sticking to the source novel? Of course not! The thing was a mother ducking train wreck.
I feel like being THAT level of faithful to the source material might bring the entire thing down.
I mean do you really think the Lord of the Rings would have been made better by including Tom Bombadill, a walking deus ex machina with no effect on the plot as a whole?
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