What people are saying about "Technical Problems"
Technical Problems
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about 9 years ago
This is why you don't take the elevator at Black Mesa, ever. USE THE STAIRS!
about 9 years ago
Also yay! My favorite webcomic posts my favorite YouTuber! Today is a good day!
about 9 years ago
This major is a joke, though today's spectacular games at least somewhat compensate for it. Probably the tournament's best two series, Alliance vs Complexity and Secret vs. EG. Still, GIFF 2GD!
Btw, Morgan never looked hotter than in the last panel.
about 9 years ago
Whoa, link to Mav in NerfNow? Is this real life?
about 9 years ago
They do this on purpose just so people talk about it
Otherwise they are fucked.
about 9 years ago
This is just how china is. I've spent lots of time there any every time Its a shitshow. Nothing can go right, even if you pay people LOTS of money (infact it just makes it worse because they try to scam you) and everythings falling apart. Welcome to the second world boys!
about 9 years ago
Podcast and Game streaming station I follow has a saying that if they don't have some "Technical Difficulty" that its not a show. Looks like the same could be said here.
about 9 years ago
Ah Mav, god of my heart
about 9 years ago
I don't get the comic reference. I mean, yeah, shanghai is a shitshow but I missed that one.
about 9 years ago
I don't watch or follow Dota, but after your posts, and the link - even I'm looking forward to just how the rest of the tournament goes XD
about 9 years ago
Thanks for putting in the video link i missed half of the drama, btw i wish i was a vip all that luxery they get :D made me leugh
about 9 years ago
"The main event had Eternal Envy with some allergic reaction to the booth glue fumes so I feel we are in for a good time in the coming days."

Is it a bad thing if that made me laugh?
about 9 years ago
Shouldn't one of the girls be in the role of the person waiting?