What people are saying about "Starsweat Valley"
Starsweat Valley
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about 9 years ago
before everyone had to grow food or hunt to survive, now that is mostly mechanized and only a few need to. This free others to specialize and contribute more ways to society.

now robots and AI will come for all other jobs >:D

Only the super mega rich will survive and have moneys and income
about 9 years ago
I'd take farming life and backbreaking but rewarding work over this city bullshit and no prospects of future or control over my life.
about 9 years ago
Don't be that limp noodle man, Jo. Farm your farm until you've turned into a He-Man Bard Crusher.

You can do it
about 9 years ago
The appeal isn't just to go to the farming life. The appeal is the close community that comes with it. Wouldn't it be nice to get away where everybody knows your name?

Besides, working for that corporation would literally be the death of you and nobody would care. There was a dead guy in there...
about 9 years ago
Correction, living of the land is backbreaking work if you don't work out regulary and have a shitty diet. Otherwise it's just simply hard work ya bums.
about 9 years ago
Start a garden. All the backbreaking labor, but on a small scale, with a more personal reward. (that is to say, cheap fresh food, and getting ripped without going to the gym)
about 9 years ago
I farm in real life (and make adult video games) and farming is rather unpleasant. On the other hand Stardew Valley comes with cute redheads. If I got cute girls like Penny or Leah in real life because I was a good farmer I'd throw myself into the backbreaking labor with full enthusiasm.
about 9 years ago
While Stardew Moon might not allow machinery of any kind, the real world does, so only a fool or a very poor farmer would use a hoe like that instead of something mounted on a tractor.

There are still physically intense parts of the job, obviously, but it isn't any worse than similar city jobs.
about 9 years ago
@Arbition not the way I farm; no grass for anyone, I need my hay for my animals!
about 9 years ago
have you never did that? i spent 7-15 years doing that every summer on school break
about 9 years ago
Greeeen Acres is life for me~...
about 9 years ago
farming would be a nice thing if not for the blistering heat and agonizing mosquitoes
about 9 years ago
"The grass is always greener on the other side" ...or not as many people find out