What people are saying about "Korean Overlords"
Korean Overlords
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about 9 years ago
아니요, 차를 싫어합니다.
about 9 years ago
Welp. We gone through this in lol. At first it was like Europe = best pro region, fogring meta, korean players looking at gambit with thir jungle reinvention and so on.
Now? SKT T1 twice champions of regular league and won IEM. And most pro teams have at least 1 korean player.
about 9 years ago
Replace mechanical with physical, it may be better word. Its like fitness in sport - how fast you run, how strong you throw, how agile you are. Chess, for example, have almost no physical requirement - if you can communicate a move, you are fine.

DotA has higher mental skill requirement than LoL.
about 9 years ago
I disagree with a lot of the people here and agree with you Jo.

It's not about the genre or difficulty of the game that makes koreans dominate in video games. Its actually more of their obsessive mindset and competitiveness. Try playing sports with any FOB korean and see how they arrive.
about 9 years ago
I think that guy who first commented "mechanical requirement" is referring to PC rather than the player, in which case he's right.
about 9 years ago
its the how the Koreans won in homefront
about 9 years ago
Whoever wants it the most is going to win it, regardless of their nationality. :)
about 9 years ago
Hey I'll tell you something hilarious!
Many Korean internet cafe or "PC Room"(as they say in Korea)
ban Steam!
Why? They say, When steam downloads a game(or anything) it takes over the internet connection.
and other online games they play in the cafe gets slower.
So they just ban steam.
about 9 years ago
Korean people mainly play LoL. I'm not sure if DoTA is installed in most Korean Internet Cafes, and I quote my friend: "If you play DoTA in Korea, you get bashed up." Korean teams are god-tier in LoL but DoTA in Korea is just not as competetive.
about 9 years ago
The Korean is the last panel is gramatically incorrect. The sentance says "More tea, o great monarch?" EXCEPT the "More" is only used with adjectives, while in this case, Tea is a noun.
about 9 years ago
I'm Korean, but I mostly play DotA for fun (Shock, yes, I know) with almost exclusively Ability Draft due to its wackiness. Or All Pick with either Dark Seer or Ogre Magi because any game with one of those two are hilarious.
about 9 years ago
It's all rock paper scissors, once a strategy is found it becomes exploitable till changed. I'm always surprised the passion that Koreans find in doing such things. But whatever they do....Let them be happy doing it.
about 9 years ago
And yes, overall skill cap is IMO far higher in DotA, due to complex mechanics and because thinking is harder than clicking. But our beloved game gives you more time to do so. In LoL, you can move in one direction and attack in another, albeit slower. LoL is "poke", where DotA is "make or break".
about 9 years ago
Essence of DotA is planing and strategy, not APM, aim or reflex. Last hitting is about learning timing and animations. If focus is on learning rather than building muskule memory - that is not mechanical skill. You still need a lot of practice, but to be good at something you always do.
about 9 years ago
Skill cap is without a doubt much higher in dota, it's not even close.
about 9 years ago
LoL is a lot faster with low spammable spells, tons of dashes and instant turning. In DotA, when casing or dodging, reading animations is more important than high APM. Don't get me wrong, there are profits from high MECHANICAL skill in DotA - but fewer than in LoL, and skill cap is lower.
about 9 years ago
lower mechanical requirements like have to denies creep? and oh yeah dota don't have bush so they have to do tree duking. yeah lower mechanical indeed.
about 9 years ago
lower mechanical requirements? huh, what? The mechanical requirements in dota are far higher than in LoL.
about 9 years ago
It is actually pretty stron argument for choosing DotA as esport career, instead of LoL. Lower mechanical requirement is also very nice. And prize pool for international...