What people are saying about "Crazy News"
Crazy News
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almost 9 years ago
@pramadito: So... are they supposed to just slap each other? Insult fighting? Children's card games?
almost 9 years ago
@pramadito: I believe it's supposed to be a joke, a critic to the overly exaggerated complaint about Tracer's 'over-the-shoulder' victory pose.. since blizzard changed the pose to please some people that complained about it, i believe the idea here is to show that you can't just accept every demand.
almost 9 years ago
@pramadito: It's a joke. A jape. A ruse. A comedy bit.
almost 9 years ago
http://www.thepetitionsite.com/708/952/914/activision-blizzard-please-remove-guns-from-your-game-"overwatch."/ off topic but petition with 7.5k sign for blizzard to remove guns at overwatch? Really?
almost 9 years ago
@Billy Six: They'd first need to fix ability draft having massive disparity between base heroes.

A base hero like Crystal Maiden is garbage compared to many others for example.
almost 9 years ago
@European_Fox: That's single draft, random draft is allpick with a random hero pool.
almost 9 years ago
now they just need to bring back meepo to ability draft
almost 9 years ago
You mean Single Draft and how are the people in your games not picking in the last second to counter the counter?
almost 9 years ago
Well, All Pick is also kinda the way was meant to be played.
Not that I care, I only play Smite nowadays.
almost 9 years ago
My favorite mode is Single Draft.

You get 3 random heroes every game so you still have a choice but it pushes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to play more than one hero.

This mode helped me learn how to play and counter 90% of heroes.
almost 9 years ago
Ranked only
almost 9 years ago
* For the next few days, only Random Draft and Captain’s Mode will be available in Ranked Matchmaking.


This is literally all that is changed. Temporary limitation of ranked only.
almost 9 years ago
Does this only affect ranked, or am I to play normals in captains too?
almost 9 years ago
This is quite a distortion of the actual story. "All pick is closed" = a lie. It's only closed for rank games.
almost 9 years ago
I didnt even realise this until i read it here, well i only play 3 heroes so other modes are not for me :D
almost 9 years ago
almost 9 years ago