What people are saying about "Visit"
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over 8 years ago
@Xavier Chen: Nah, it offers tons of hours of fun, and new content is added everyweek. I have 1500+ hours on warframe and still find something new to do everyday.
over 8 years ago
As an author avatar, doesn't Jo's presence inherently break the fourth wall?
over 8 years ago
From what I understand, Jo has very low tolerance for grind. I don't think he's the type to over-invest in a game like Warframe.
over 8 years ago
100 hours into it & I am only rank 3. Don't do it Jo
over 8 years ago
Welcome Jo! :D
over 8 years ago
Stop playing Warframe. Trust me, this is from a guy that still plays Warframe. Don't play this game that offers you nothing end game.
over 8 years ago
They remind me a lot of Guyver, and kamen rider redesigns. I'd say it gives them a more interesting look than making them robot ninjas.
over 8 years ago
As others have said, the biomechanical look works and makes them seem very distinct from a lot of other games. Also feels like it ties in to how hyper-advanced Tenno and Orokin technology is in the lore - dives pretty deep into Clarke's Third Law, when you think about it.
over 8 years ago
You sound like a Corpus supporter! D:

In all srsness, the biggest turnoff you may have with Warframe is the insane grind and difficulty Boolean loops that sometimes happen when you want to collectathon EVERYTHING. Completing events on time will help lessen it, but Ivara and Nenza in particular...
over 8 years ago
Also bear in mind that each of the factions has a unique look. The Orokin, Infested, Tenno, and Grineer each have their own design philosophy and art style, so as to make them all a) visually distinct and b) lore-friendly. I find it pretty frigging awesome. Keep playing, young Tenno...
over 8 years ago
If you need a clan to get all the clan specific gear(gotta pay like 50k credits and still craft it), just say.
Beastwolf1 on steam.
over 8 years ago
Warframe's art style carriesz over from dark sector. Also the game runs on my laptop decently if I turn all the effects off so I play it. A Warframe you should beeline for is Ember, Kubrows are useless, and the carrier sentinal is best sentinal. I wonder how you will feel about archwings.
over 8 years ago
Heh, for a new player, Warframe sure looks pretty, but the more you will play it, the more you will start to loathe it, and I'v been playing this game since open beta mind you, so i know what i'm talking about. Watch Totalbiscuit recent video about it, he actually sums it up quite nicely.
over 8 years ago
Warframe kind of has the same long term appeal that Magic the Gathering does. Some poeple like it because they want to get all the gear, and some people play it because they REALLY like big damage numbers; it's an optimizer's game
over 8 years ago
I don't think the visuals matter that much for Warframe's popularity. Granted, each has it's own tastes, but Warframe really strong suit is the gameplay. If the Warframes looked like jelly bear, people wouldn't really care.
I'd love it if it was a regular AAA game rather than f2p though.
over 8 years ago
For me, I love the biopunk look of Warframe and, there's a reason it looks organic... It's part of the lore, and the game is a sequel to Dark Sector, so they're just going off of the aesthetic from then even going as far as having possibly Hayden Tenno's Suit from Dark Sector in the game.
over 8 years ago
Play a little more warframe, until the second dream quest you are gonna love it.
Erik Nigro
over 8 years ago
Not to spoil anything about Warframe, but...there's a reason for the "organic" look, suffice it to say. It's lore based rather than a purely artistic decision.
over 8 years ago
A fourth wall? Since when has that been there?
Samuel Vimes
over 8 years ago
The biopunk style is actually a plus point for many people who prefer that to the everyday "cool" look. DE played to the niche market that likes HR Giger style stuff, while trying to attract the everyday gamer with some really fun core gameplay.

Maybe try Mesa, she's less organic-looking?
over 8 years ago
Hi Jo, long time fan, I don't expect you to read this, I had the same thought about Warframe when I first started, but the organic look grows on you as you play. Also, there are plenty of other Warframes in the game who look more armored than organic, and there are plenty of skins too keep with it.
over 8 years ago
@The_Chest: it's not inverted colors, there just a layer of red on top of eithe strip, if it was inverted, the white would be black and now it's just red
over 8 years ago
The correct term is "Jo, you came (to visit me)"
over 8 years ago
There was a fourth wall?
over 8 years ago
oh wow
such post modern
very fresh
over 8 years ago
I see inverted colors. This is some kind of...NerfNow Negaverse?

Is that guy NEGAJO?