What people are saying about "Fanservice Police"
Fanservice Police
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almost 9 years ago
HOLY SHIT, just saw the "photo shoot result" !

Can you do more for all the girls? :D
( not here ofc )
almost 9 years ago
...I just really wish Jo made hentai.
almost 9 years ago
@GarketMardener: Throws Up Internally
almost 9 years ago
Just make negative fanservice comics now and them to balance out (AKA fan disservice)
almost 9 years ago
I guess Morgan will confiscate the 'evidence' for herself? :)
almost 9 years ago
Tropical Jo Jamaican me crazy.
almost 9 years ago
And the photoshoot pic has Lemonade in it. Is Jo trying to be topical?
almost 9 years ago
I made this awful joke nobody will get
(if you do, fantastic.)
almost 9 years ago
Yeah you could argue it wouldn't be as special, I don't think a lot of people would be bothered by that but sure.
almost 9 years ago
Hey Jo, why are you posting something that isn't 6.87?
almost 9 years ago
I would be totally okay with Jo keep putting the NSFW/excessive fanservice material on his Patreon, if it means we get to enjoy it instead of being teased by it, and he can keep his webcomic SFW.

Also, shaddup, Morgan, Miss NoFunAllowed!
almost 9 years ago
I think Anne's hairstyle change is part of cute stuff. And side boobs are fine too.
almost 9 years ago
To be fair, this isn't a new fanservice story so much as the end of the first one.
almost 9 years ago
@Daria Voronina: :(
almost 9 years ago
Come on, 4th wall jokes are getting really old.
almost 9 years ago
Bad boys bad boys,
whatcha gonna do?
Whatcha gonna do
when they come for you...
almost 9 years ago
I don't care what Morgan said. More fan service! We need a calendar!
Claus Marcelio Da Silva Filho
almost 9 years ago
oh mas eu esperava mais tentáculos com o lançamento de WotOG