What people are saying about "New Legendary"
New Legendary
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almost 9 years ago
Finally a reason to post this here!
almost 9 years ago
I had fairly good luck with my, I want to say 27 packs I bought. Got the obvious C'thun, golden Twin Emperor Vek'lor, and Ragnaros, Lightlord.
almost 9 years ago
Not much has really changed meta wise,
instead of Dr.Skill everyone is playing the twin emperor card.
C'thun is fun but it any deck based around it crumble like paper at agroo.

Been having fun with Yogg+Brann if you time it right you can get around 40 spellcasts in there. It nukes the game.
almost 9 years ago
I'm not sure which I like more, my battlecty C'Thun/Brann/Rumbling Elemental shaman deck, or all-spells Lock-N-Load Yogg-Saron hunter. The hunter may not win many games, but when that Yogg hits the table it's quite a show.
almost 9 years ago
To be honest it was really boring to face the exact same C'thun druid deck for about fifteen games in a row.
almost 9 years ago
The real problems tend to be murder shamon and a few of the other low cost yet quickly murder you class cards. Who needs a cost ten summon when a cost five can be played by itself and outright murder your foes or deal a big chunk of damage?
almost 9 years ago
C'thun isn't that bad of a card. You see a eldritch summon deck built for late game and prepare to defend against the summon... or simply murder bulrush him like most late game decks. C'thun at least lets a few interesting cultist deck builds come into play.Not as bad as turn five and you lose cards
almost 9 years ago
Anyway, most of the games I've played so far haven't had the enemy C'thun buffed to higher than 15, and if you have a lot of minions in play when he's summoned then he doesn't damage your hero too much. And you can sheep him or frog him afterwards.
almost 9 years ago
First you get me playing Dota 2, Jo, and now you've got me playing Hearthstone. They should be giving you a cut of their profits. ;)
almost 9 years ago
memes. we all love memes
almost 9 years ago
@Lunix Vandal: To be honest, since every single Druid ran at least 1 copy of the combo, you had to expect it at some point as well. C'thun is a tough soab in control matchup, my best strategy remains to kill the dude before he summons him
almost 9 years ago
Many youtubers buy a wrong colletion...
almost 9 years ago
*shrug* I feel like C'thun is less complaint-worthy than the old Druid combo because once you see the first synergy card hit the board, you know half their deck (e.g. all the other synergy cards) and can start playing around that eventual big drop.