What people are saying about "Retro Gaming"
Retro Gaming
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about 13 years ago
pnT2b4 http://www.RUWE5gOde94HqsfDYIh3uBfJfSMdiDSG.com
over 15 years ago
Tron grandpa kinda looks like Monopoly guy
over 15 years ago
I do remember those games, Matthew. I played those games. And I am old. Now get off my lawn!
over 15 years ago
Tron'paw is displeased.
over 15 years ago
Yarr... not just Tron, but Rich Uncle Pennybags too!
over 15 years ago
Nice, funny story.
Hope it doesn't turn into some politically correct "acceptance" ending though, that's so old it's starting to smell.
over 15 years ago
Pops looks like a cross between a Tron character and Professor Moneybags.
over 15 years ago
Lol tron!
over 15 years ago
@ AckAckAck: His brother would probaly be an rts commander
over 15 years ago
@The Guy:  he'd probably beat it first try.  On hardest difficulty.
The Guy (not really)
over 15 years ago
I'd like to see grandpa here try his hand at "I Wanna Be The Guy".
mr flibbles
over 15 years ago
I'd argue that arcade games were the casual games of their day. The hardcore equivilant would of been text based MUDs.
Ofc these classics are now considered retro so anyone who goes the lengths to replay them would likely be defined as hardcore. I happen to own an arcade machine of Battlezone
over 15 years ago
You people are all OLD if you remember those arcade games! >:D
over 15 years ago
I miss arcades.
over 15 years ago
Retro Gaming > Hardcore Gaming > Casual Gaming?
Jaded Empath
over 15 years ago
Ahhh, Gauntlet, Spy Hunter, Galaxian, Star Castle, Wizard of Wor, the list goes on and on...  If I had every quarter back I ever gave those digital succubi, I'd be Bill Gates Rich™.
But, then, I *was* the first person in my town to ever beat Dragon's Lair...
(I'd rather have the $$$ :) )
over 15 years ago
Ah the arcade/early console age.  I got a blister on my thumb from playing 1942.
mr flibbles
over 15 years ago
Daddy Tron speaks the truth!
Street Fighter tournies were brutal, Defender was brutal, and Ghosts and Goblins ate up my cash like it was candy.
Granted today's competitive scenes have alot more nuances and require a larger time investment, but at least you aint paying money for every life!
over 15 years ago
So we have old man tron and heavy weapon guy son, who will represent early home consoles era? heavy big bro wearing plumber suit?
Baka Mazoku
over 15 years ago
The Tron ref is making me wish Tron 2 the movie comes out soon.
over 15 years ago
Tron Grandfather makes me want to paly Tron 2.0 again.
over 15 years ago
Old Man Retro forgot to mention that most games back then only used a joystick and a button (maybe 2, only more for fightan gaems) and that the joysticks of old had enough resistance in them to give your forearm cramps from extended playing.
over 15 years ago
I miss arcade machines that threatened to bite off my penor...
over 15 years ago
I don't like character. D:<
over 15 years ago
TV Tropes, unsurprisngly, has an article on this. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KobayashiMario
over 15 years ago
Tron haha. i used to play on arcades, but im not that old...
over 15 years ago
Dude's about to cry.
over 15 years ago
I giggled.