What people are saying about "Touhou Hijack"
Touhou Hijack
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over 14 years ago
Touhou hijack FTW
over 14 years ago
With the sexy goth-loli there, might this be a slim shout-out to Death Smiles? I notice they're playing a 360...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_15843]@A[/url] what reason do you have to hate touhou it's more sucsesful then your life it's a good bullet hell shooter, graphics are the best any bullet hell shooter game has, if you hate bullet hell shooters cause their too hard for your gaming life then no reason to say it sucks you just suck at that game
almost 15 years ago
ah, yes, this IS a good end to a story ark. i never realized this pic was related to the rest of the ark.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_19656]@Flamerider[/url]: It's been hijacked.
over 15 years ago
Unsolved Climax to finish?
over 15 years ago
Touhou sucks.
over 15 years ago
Lol, Touhou on Easy makes hardcore games look like Hello Kitty.
I dont think so tim
over 15 years ago

>not casual
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Good to see I have fans even here, ze.
over 15 years ago
Marisa could put the Heavy and the Soldier to shame in no problem. XP
over 15 years ago
Ooookay, thanks.
over 15 years ago
Touhou?  In my TF2?  It's more likely than you think: http://touhoufortress2.web.fc2.com/
over 15 years ago
dont forget scarlet weather rhapsody it may not be a bullet hell but its a hell of its own
(jts a 2d sidescrolling fighting game)
over 15 years ago
For an example of a Touhou game boss
It's called the Bullet Hell genre for a reason
over 15 years ago
@ Anon:

Given the world that this arc is set in, ALL the characters are actual people, NOT videogame characters.

It can't be the actual Touhou character, it would break the thing the artist is going for.

(Don't spread the Touhou crazyness too much, It's already getting all over the place)
over 15 years ago
So that was you making those pictures :D
Mouse chu Mouse
over 15 years ago
I still want a Diablo comic >(
over 15 years ago
Part 2
Unfortunately I found nothing that was satisfactory.
But now, If you spend even a minute on googling for "Touhou" you'll find about 1,200,000 relevant sites that will explain "What is Touhou?"
over 15 years ago
Part 1
Also to everyone who don’t get what Touhou is. While I understood how do you feel (I was like that on the "New content" comic), I googled as much as I could before I asked: "wtf is this? I don’t get it".
over 15 years ago
@Marcus: It's ok. I appreciate everything You've done for all of us so far.
I also wanted to ask You abut something Mr. Author. Are there any chances that there will be Touhou Arc or at least some "bonus" or "surprise" comics as those abut WoW?
Ok, this is what Touhou is all about p. 3
over 15 years ago
It´s hard to get your hands on a legitimate copy of a Touhou game here in the west, so you´ll probably have to resort to sites like the pirate bay or other filesharing sites for downloads.
Ok, this is what Touhou is all about p. 1
over 15 years ago
Touhou is a series of hardcore danmaku vertically-scrolling shoot ´em ups. Basicaly, you control a sweet, innocent-looking anime loli, avoiding huge masses of projectiles while still needing to take out your enemies.
over 15 years ago
@ HeavyTank:
Touhou is a bullet hell series of shooting games, which are very high in difficulty and pretty hardcore on the higher difficulties. Really, the only games that could be considered harder are things like Contra, Mushihimesama and old "nintendo hard" nes games such as Ghosts 'n' Goblins.
over 15 years ago
Can PLEASE somebody tell me what the FUCK is touhou?It looks like a crappy anime game to me, but of course l could be wrong..
over 15 years ago
dammit marisa is suddenly all girly
over 15 years ago
yee, i like warhammer
over 15 years ago
... wait, your preview WAS supposed to be Marisa? I thought I'd just been playing too much Touhou myself lately... =P
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
I hope they're playing phantasmagoria with each other.
or IaMP.
SWR is pretty hypercasual.
That or the girl is playing and the boy is pretending to be the fairies.
Random Villager
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Think it's later, Anon. At least, that's what I'm getting as the implication. Also, YES TOUHOU.
over 15 years ago
An All White family has an Asian daughter?
Or is it the guy's girlfriend?
No, that's a Touhou character, its a video game.
over 15 years ago

An All White family has an Asian daughter?
Or is it the guy's girlfriend?
over 15 years ago
Touhou here too?
Not complaining at all, as I am a huge fan of the series, but DAMN this series is widespread!
Joyous Occasion
over 15 years ago
Today is the Day of Rememberance! A day to reflect on the previous
year, and remember all the joyous occasions! REMEMBER EVERYTHING,
over 15 years ago
She isnt a witch godammit!
her name is marisa and she is a magician/human!
over 15 years ago
Not you too?
Well, with all those females going around in akward roles, I guess it was only a matter of time.
over 15 years ago
I know 40K, and Tohou, but I have no idea how they are supposed to relate to eachother?
I bet some crazy Fanthing, do you write some crazy Tohou fan fic for a 40k mod?
Reply to Dr. Taco: Surgeon at Law
over 15 years ago
CASUAL? Excuse me? Touhou is about as far from casual as you can get!
over 15 years ago
Another step towards Touhou world assimilation.  I've been saying it for months now... It's only a matter of time before Touhou takes over the western world.
over 15 years ago
tohoufaggotry? in my TF2-centric comic? say it ain't so
Scar, the SPY
over 15 years ago
Magical girls, turning boys into otakus or hardcore ero-game players...
over 15 years ago
...There were people who didn't understand the WoW jokes?  I mean, OK, the Onyxia thing was really obscure even if you *do* play WoW, but... WoW is up there with Mario and Zelda on the list of obscure games.
over 15 years ago
So, are they playing a Touhou game?  Because that's pretty damn hardcore.
over 15 years ago
Hear that Witch? I'll give her something to cry about. Turn off your flashlight they'll see us.
over 15 years ago
Jo, thank you for linking to The Soldier and The Witch. It is all kinds of awesome, and I eagerly await the next installment. :3

Sadly, I don't know much about WH40K, so could somebody give me a link to an article about WH40K witches?
over 15 years ago
The WH40K space marine is happy about a witch near his son. She's Eldar, I tell you! Kill the xeno!
I really liked this arc. It puts the whole debate in a neat perspective.
over 15 years ago
@BrainXaber: Sorry you're experiencing this. I've made a couple of changes to NerfNOW Beta, so hopefully these problems will be gone when the beta site launches (next week or so).
over 15 years ago
Umm... Jo please fix his commenting script... Even if I write around 250 characters this script still tells me to write no more then 300 characters. Also why does I get "3 photo notes are enough for anyone! -- Bill Gates, circa 1981." When I did not add any photo note yet?
over 15 years ago
Dear lord this is the best thing I've seen all day.
over 15 years ago
Part 4
Not many people understood WoW related jokes and I know that probably even less people will understand Touhou related comics but I'd love to see more Touhou on NerfNow. Just my little hope.
To all people that don’t get this comic: TAKE IT EASY!
Also, why does Marisa have white hair?
over 15 years ago
Part 3
Honestly I was always hoping that one day Jo will make some Touhou tribute but... well... telling to him (to You Mr. Author) what to do, would be rude...
over 15 years ago
Part 2
And I'm huge fan of Touhou and everything is related to it.
I loved NerfNow thanks to awesome TF2 comics (as I love FT2 very much as well) and now when it have Touhou I love it even more.
over 15 years ago
Part 1
I almost hit the ceiling with my head when I saw his comic title in the archives (I have favoriteed link to the archives not to the front page). I must admit I didn’t expected to NerfNow EVER have any Touhou-related comic. But it actually happened.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Fuck yea Touhou.
Though, I'm wondering, perhaps the hope isn't that his son plays Touhou, because there are only a few 2 player Touhou games.
Maybe he thought his son was gay. Hahaha.
over 15 years ago
Mairsa Stole The Player's Precious Skill.
Love Touhou, nice reference.
over 15 years ago
what the fuck is touhou
over 15 years ago
Heh, even in webcomic FOE
over 15 years ago
lol, touhou works just like that. a casual gamer can play it but once they get into it they will want to beat the harder lvls. i still haven't gotten a perfect on normal. also, master spark.
over 15 years ago
That scar is so badass it moves from his lip, to his head! So pro.
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over 15 years ago
Ok, some new ARC now with -Tans please :D. How 'bout GoW?
Baka Mazoku
over 15 years ago
Hahahahahaha.... well, he's not in elementary school, so he should be playing something harder than easy. ^_-
over 15 years ago
Touhou is a double combo, you got your bullet spraying eye bleeding hardcore shooter Japanese game can offer with cute anime girls.
Maybe next arc for this family will transform the son into a shounen son with shounen manga/anime clothing with optional spiky hair.Maybe next arc for this family w
over 15 years ago
So she's gonna steal his precious thing?
over 15 years ago
Because there isn't a whole lot more hardcore than bullet hell shooters (though its mainly a Japanese genre).
over 15 years ago
Oh boy, the author complained about people not getting Wow jokes. Wait till he hears how we handle touhou.
 Though i know touhou, what i don't get is why is the father happy?
Dr. Taco: Surgeon at Law
over 15 years ago
Holy CRAP, either the kid's head grew or his mullet shrank. Also: EYEBROWS!
Touhou starts off rather causal-like... but very quickly it grows into HOLYBALLSBULLETSHITSTORMOHMYGODWHYWONTTHEYSTOP
Yeah. That.
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Marisa cosplayer in mah nerfnow.
Your Mom
over 15 years ago
over 15 years ago
Imagine playing a game where 99% of the available space is full of things that will kill you instantly. Say, crit rockets and you are a scout. You need to avoid thought EVERY SINGLE ONE, while killing the other guy.
over 15 years ago
Touhou is a bullet-hell shooter. If you're going to get a good score, you're going to need crazy reflexes for minute movements.
That guy
over 15 years ago
I bet that faggot couldn't handle Lunatic.
Or 9.

Though to be fair 9 is the strongest.
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over 15 years ago
In before INEVITABLE internet backlash in five... four...
over 15 years ago
I dont understand.