What people are saying about "Anduin"
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Ville Kovanen
almost 9 years ago
I always though it was kinda sad that a priest class, again, A PRIEST, is better at stealing stuff from people, than a frigging rogue class.

Then again, the church does take lot of money from people, so... Clever?
almost 9 years ago
...you thoughtstole a flametongue totem, what looks like a doomhammer, an explorer's hat, King Krush, and a torch and didn't use them...? Bad Anduin, bad!
almost 9 years ago
guilty? broforce is one of the best games of 2015
almost 9 years ago
By the way, have you played Ori and the Blind Forest?
almost 9 years ago
@Matthew Martin
He is Warrior card, so it's too late. Thoughtsteal is probably how he ended up there :D
almost 9 years ago
next strip: Varian being thoughtstolen and put in the bag...
almost 9 years ago
@Diogo Carolino:
It's his dad King Varian Wrynn.
almost 9 years ago
Forshadowing for Broforce strip?
The game is amazing
Diogo Carolino
almost 9 years ago
@Henry Sagehorn Like Type99 said Thoughtsteal is one of the most iconic spells of Anduin, which steals two cards from you opponent's deck and gives them to you. This simply depicts a storage of assorted spells from all classes, which you can assume he stole, and his father being mad(?) at him.
almost 9 years ago
One of Anduin Wrynn most iconic spells in Hearthstone is Thoughtsteal.
almost 9 years ago
Okay, this is the first comic I don't really understand. Anyone care to explain?
almost 9 years ago